require 'yaml' require 'set' module Gitlab module SidekiqConfig # This method is called by `bin/sidekiq-cluster` in EE, which runs outside # of bundler/Rails context, so we cannot use any gem or Rails methods. def self.worker_queues(rails_path = Rails.root.to_s) @worker_queues ||= {} @worker_queues[rails_path] ||= YAML.load_file(File.join(rails_path, 'app/workers/all_queues.yml')) end # This method is called by `bin/sidekiq-cluster` in EE, which runs outside # of bundler/Rails context, so we cannot use any gem or Rails methods. def self.expand_queues(queues, all_queues = self.worker_queues) return [] if queues.empty? queues_set = all_queues.to_set queues.flat_map do |queue| [queue, *queues_set.grep(/\A#{queue}:/)] end end def self.redis_queues # Not memoized, because this can change during the life of the application end def self.config_queues @config_queues ||= begin config = YAML.load_file(Rails.root.join('config/sidekiq_queues.yml')) config[:queues].map(&:first) end end def self.cron_workers @cron_workers ||= { |job_name, options| options['job_class'].constantize } end def self.workers @workers ||= find_workers(Rails.root.join('app', 'workers')) end def self.find_workers(root) concerns = root.join('concerns').to_s workers = Dir[root.join('**', '*.rb')] .reject { |path| path.start_with?(concerns) }! do |path| ns ='.rb', '') ns.camelize.constantize end # Skip things that aren't workers { |w| w < Sidekiq::Worker } end end end