--- stage: Verify group: Continuous Integration info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#assignments type: reference --- # GitLab CI/CD script syntax You can use special syntax in [`script`](README.md#script) sections to: - [Split long commands](#split-long-commands) into multiline commands. - [Use color codes](#add-color-codes-to-script-output) to make job logs easier to review. - [Create custom collapsible sections](../jobs/index.md#custom-collapsible-sections) to simplify job log output. ## Split long commands You can split long commands into multiline commands to improve readability with `|` (literal) and `>` (folded) [YAML multiline block scalar indicators](https://yaml-multiline.info/). WARNING: If multiple commands are combined into one command string, only the last command's failure or success is reported. [Failures from earlier commands are ignored due to a bug](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-runner/-/issues/25394). To work around this, run each command as a separate `script:` item, or add an `exit 1` command to each command string. You can use the `|` (literal) YAML multiline block scalar indicator to write commands over multiple lines in the `script` section of a job description. Each line is treated as a separate command. Only the first command is repeated in the job log, but additional commands are still executed: ```yaml job: script: - | echo "First command line." echo "Second command line." echo "Third command line." ``` The example above renders in the job log as: ```shell $ echo First command line # collapsed multiline command First command line Second command line. Third command line. ``` The `>` (folded) YAML multiline block scalar indicator treats empty lines between sections as the start of a new command: ```yaml job: script: - > echo "First command line is split over two lines." echo "Second command line." ``` This behaves similarly to multiline commands without the `>` or `|` block scalar indicators: ```yaml job: script: - echo "First command line is split over two lines." echo "Second command line." ``` Both examples above render in the job log as: ```shell $ echo First command line is split over two lines. # collapsed multiline command First command line is split over two lines. Second command line. ``` When you omit the `>` or `|` block scalar indicators, GitLab concatenates non-empty lines to form the command. Make sure the lines can run when concatenated. [Shell here documents](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Here_document) work with the `|` and `>` operators as well. The example below transliterates lower case letters to upper case: ```yaml job: script: - | tr a-z A-Z << END_TEXT one two three four five six END_TEXT ``` Results in: ```shell $ tr a-z A-Z << END_TEXT # collapsed multiline command ONE TWO THREE FOUR FIVE SIX ``` ## Add color codes to script output Script output can be colored using [ANSI escape codes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code#Colors), or by running commands or programs that output ANSI escape codes. For example, using [Bash with color codes](https://misc.flogisoft.com/bash/tip_colors_and_formatting): ```yaml job: script: - echo -e "\e[31mThis text is red,\e[0m but this text isn't\e[31m however this text is red again." ``` You can define the color codes in Shell variables, or even [custom CI/CD variables](../variables/README.md#custom-cicd-variables), which makes the commands easier to read and reusable. For example, using the same example as above and variables defined in a `before_script`: ```yaml job: before_script: - TXT_RED="\e[31m" && TXT_CLEAR="\e[0m" script: - echo -e "${TXT_RED}This text is red,${TXT_CLEAR} but this part isn't${TXT_RED} however this part is again." - echo "This text is not colored" ``` Or with [PowerShell color codes](https://superuser.com/a/1259916): ```yaml job: before_script: - $esc="$([char]27)"; $TXT_RED="$esc[31m"; $TXT_CLEAR="$esc[0m" script: - Write-Host $TXT_RED"This text is red,"$TXT_CLEAR" but this text isn't"$TXT_RED" however this text is red again." - Write-Host "This text is not colored" ```