# All routing related to repository browsing resource :repository, only: [:create] do member do # deprecated since GitLab 9.5 get 'archive', constraints: { format: Gitlab::PathRegex.archive_formats_regex }, as: 'archive_alternative', defaults: { append_sha: true } # deprecated since GitLab 10.7 get ':id/archive', constraints: { format: Gitlab::PathRegex.archive_formats_regex, id: /.+/ }, action: 'archive', as: 'archive_deprecated', defaults: { append_sha: true } end end # Don't use format parameter as file extension (old 3.0.x behavior) # See http://guides.rubyonrails.org/routing.html#route-globbing-and-wildcard-segments scope format: false do get '/compare/:from...:to', to: 'compare#show', as: 'compare', constraints: { from: /.+/, to: /.+/ } resources :compare, only: [:index, :create] do collection do get :diff_for_path get :signatures end end resources :refs, only: [] do collection do get 'switch' end member do # tree viewer logs get 'logs_tree', constraints: { id: Gitlab::PathRegex.git_reference_regex } # Directories with leading dots erroneously get rejected if git # ref regex used in constraints. Regex verification now done in controller. get 'logs_tree/*path', action: :logs_tree, as: :logs_file, format: false, constraints: { id: /.*/, path: /[^\0]*/ } end end scope constraints: { id: /[^\0]+/ } do scope controller: :blob do get '/new/*id', action: :new, as: :new_blob post '/create/*id', action: :create, as: :create_blob get '/edit/*id', action: :edit, as: :edit_blob put '/update/*id', action: :update, as: :update_blob post '/preview/*id', action: :preview, as: :preview_blob scope path: '/blob/*id', as: :blob do get :diff get '/', action: :show delete '/', action: :destroy post '/', action: :create put '/', action: :update end end get '/tree/*id', to: 'tree#show', as: :tree get '/raw/*id', to: 'raw#show', as: :raw get '/blame/*id', to: 'blame#show', as: :blame get '/commits', to: 'commits#commits_root', as: :commits_root get '/commits/*id/signatures', to: 'commits#signatures', as: :signatures get '/commits/*id', to: 'commits#show', as: :commits post '/create_dir/*id', to: 'tree#create_dir', as: :create_dir scope controller: :find_file do get '/find_file/*id', action: :show, as: :find_file get '/files/*id', action: :list, as: :files end end end