# CommitRange makes it easier to work with commit ranges # # Examples: # # range = CommitRange.new('f3f85602...e86e1013') # range.inclusive? # => false # range.to_s # => "f3f85602...e86e1013" # range.reference_title # => "Commits f3f85602 through e86e1013" # # range = CommitRange.new('f3f856029bc5f966c5a7ee24cf7efefdd20e6019..e86e1013709735be5bb767e2b228930c543f25ae') # range.inclusive? # => true # range.to_s # => "f3f85602..e86e1013" # range.to_param # => {from: "f3f856029bc5f966c5a7ee24cf7efefdd20e6019^", to: "e86e1013709735be5bb767e2b228930c543f25ae"} # # # Assuming `project` is a Project with a repository containing both commits: # range.project = project # range.valid_commits? # => true # range.to_a # => [#, #] # class CommitRange include ActiveModel::Conversion attr_reader :sha_from, :notation, :sha_to # Optional Project model attr_accessor :project # See `inclusive?` attr_reader :inclusive # The beginning and ending SHA sums can be between 6 and 40 hex characters, # and the range selection can be double- or triple-dot. PATTERN = /\h{6,40}\.{2,3}\h{6,40}/ # Initialize a CommitRange # # range_string - The String commit range. # project - An optional Project model. # # Raises ArgumentError if `range_string` does not match `PATTERN`. def initialize(range_string, project = nil) range_string.strip! unless range_string.match(/\A#{PATTERN}\z/) raise ArgumentError, "invalid CommitRange string format: #{range_string}" end @inclusive = !range_string.include?('...') @sha_from, @notation, @sha_to = range_string.split(/(\.{2,3})/, 2) @project = project end def inspect %(#<#{self.class}:#{object_id} #{to_s}>) end # Returns an Array of Commit objects, where the first value is the starting # commit, and the second value is the ending commit # # Returns `[nil, nil]` if `valid_commits?` is falsey def to_a if valid_commits? [commit_from, commit_to] else [nil, nil] end end def to_s "#{sha_from[0..7]}#{notation}#{sha_to[0..7]}" end # Returns a String for use in a link's title attribute def reference_title "Commits #{sha_from} through #{sha_to}" end # Return a Hash of parameters for passing to a URL helper # # See `namespace_project_compare_url` def to_param { from: sha_from_as_param, to: sha_to } end # Check if the range is inclusive # # We consider a CommitRange "inclusive" when it uses the two-dot syntax. def inclusive? inclusive end # Check if both the starting and ending commit IDs exist in a project's # repository # # project - An optional Project to check (default: `project`) def valid_commits?(project = project) return nil unless project.present? return false unless project.valid_repo? commit_from.present? && commit_to.present? end def persisted? true end def commit_from @commit_from ||= project.repository.commit(sha_from_as_param) end def commit_to @commit_to ||= project.repository.commit(sha_to) end private def sha_from_as_param sha_from + (inclusive? ? '^' : '') end end