- name: "`fixup!` commit messages setting draft status of associated Merge Request" # The name of the feature to be deprecated announcement_milestone: "14.8" # The milestone when this feature was first announced as deprecated. announcement_date: "2022-02-22" # The date of the milestone release when this feature was first announced as deprecated. This should almost always be the 22nd of a month (YYYY-MM-22), unless you did an out of band blog post. removal_milestone: "15.0" # The milestone when this feature is planned to be removed removal_date: "2022-06-22" # This should almost always be the 22nd of a month (YYYY-MM-22), the date of the milestone release when this feature is planned to be removed. body: | # Do not modify this line, instead modify the lines below. The use of `fixup!` as a commit message to trigger draft status of the associated Merge Request is generally unused, and can cause confusion with other uses of the term. "Draft" is the preferred and supported trigger for triggering draft status from commit messages, as part of our streamlining of the feature. Support for `fixup!` is now considered deprecated, and will be removed in GitLab 15.0. documentation_url: "https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/user/project/merge_requests/drafts.html#mark-merge-requests-as-drafts" issue_url: "https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/issues/342937"