# frozen_string_literal: true module Pajamas class AvatarComponent < Pajamas::Component include Gitlab::Utils::StrongMemoize # @param record [User, Project, Group] # @param alt [String] text for the alt tag # @param class [String] custom CSS class(es) # @param size [Integer] size in pixel # @param [Hash] avatar_options def initialize(record, alt: nil, class: "", size: 64, avatar_options: {}) @record = record @alt = alt @class = binding.local_variable_get(:class) @size = filter_attribute(size.to_i, SIZE_OPTIONS, default: 64) @avatar_options = avatar_options end private SIZE_OPTIONS = [16, 24, 32, 48, 64, 96].freeze def avatar_classes classes = ["gl-avatar", "gl-avatar-s#{@size}", @class] classes.push("gl-avatar-circle") if @record.is_a?(User) unless src classes.push("gl-avatar-identicon") classes.push("gl-avatar-identicon-bg#{((@record.id || 0) % 7) + 1}") end classes.join(' ') end def src strong_memoize(:src) do if @record.is_a?(User) # Users show a gravatar instead of an identicon. Also avatars of # blocked users are only shown if the current_user is an admin. # To not duplicate this logic, we are using existing helpers here. current_user = begin helpers.current_user rescue StandardError nil end helpers.avatar_icon_for_user(@record, @size, current_user: current_user) elsif @record.try(:avatar_url) "#{@record.avatar_url}?width=#{@size}" end end end def srcset return unless src retina_src = src.gsub(/(?<=width=)#{@size}+/, (@size * 2).to_s) "#{src} 1x, #{retina_src} 2x" end def alt @alt || @record.name end def initial @record.name[0, 1].upcase end end end