module Gitlab class SatelliteNotExistError < StandardError; end module Satellite class Satellite include Gitlab::Popen PARKING_BRANCH = "__parking_branch" attr_accessor :project def initialize(project) @project = project end def log message Gitlab::Satellite::Logger.error(message) end def raise_no_satellite raise"Satellite doesn't exist") end def clear_and_update! raise_no_satellite unless exists? File.exists? path @repo = nil clear_working_dir! delete_heads! remove_remotes! update_from_source! end def create output, status = popen("git clone #{project.repository.path_to_repo} #{path}", Gitlab.config.satellites.path) log("PID: #{}: git clone #{project.repository.path_to_repo} #{path}") log("PID: #{}: -> #{output}") if true else log("Failed to create satellite for #{project.name_with_namespace}") false end end def exists? File.exists? path end # * Locks the satellite # * Changes the current directory to the satellite's working dir # * Yields def lock raise_no_satellite unless exists?, "w+") do |f| begin f.flock File::LOCK_EX Dir.chdir(path) { return yield } ensure f.flock File::LOCK_UN end end end def lock_file create_locks_dir unless File.exists?(lock_files_dir) File.join(lock_files_dir, "satellite_#{}.lock") end def path File.join(Gitlab.config.satellites.path, project.path_with_namespace) end def repo raise_no_satellite unless exists? @repo ||= end def destroy FileUtils.rm_rf(path) end private # Clear the working directory def clear_working_dir! repo.git.reset(hard: true) end # Deletes all branches except the parking branch # # This ensures we have no name clashes or issues updating branches when # working with the satellite. def delete_heads! heads = # update or create the parking branch if heads.include? PARKING_BRANCH repo.git.checkout({}, PARKING_BRANCH) else repo.git.checkout(default_options({b: true}), PARKING_BRANCH) end # remove the parking branch from the list of heads ... heads.delete(PARKING_BRANCH) # ... and delete all others heads.each { |head| repo.git.branch(default_options({D: true}), head) } end # Deletes all remotes except origin # # This ensures we have no remote name clashes or issues updating branches when # working with the satellite. def remove_remotes! remotes = repo.git.remote.split(' ') remotes.delete('origin') remotes.each { |name| repo.git.remote(default_options,'rm', name)} end # Updates the satellite from Gitolite # # Note: this will only update remote branches (i.e. origin/*) def update_from_source! repo.git.fetch(default_options, :origin) end def default_options(options = {}) {raise: true, timeout: true}.merge(options) end # Create directory for storing # satellites lock files def create_locks_dir FileUtils.mkdir_p(lock_files_dir) end def lock_files_dir @lock_files_dir ||= File.join(Gitlab.config.satellites.path, "tmp") end end end end