import Ajv from 'ajv'; import AjvFormats from 'ajv-formats'; const JSON_SCHEMA = { type: 'object', properties: { fruit: { type: 'string', minLength: 3, }, }, }; const ajv = new Ajv({ strictTypes: false, strictTuples: false, allowMatchingProperties: true, }); AjvFormats(ajv); const schema = ajv.compile(JSON_SCHEMA); describe('custom matcher toValidateJsonSchema', () => { it('throws error if validator is not compiled correctly', () => { expect(() => { expect({}).toValidateJsonSchema({}); }).toThrow( 'Validator must be a validating function with property "schema", created with `ajv.compile`. See', ); }); describe('positive assertions', () => { it.each` description | input ${'valid input'} | ${{ fruit: 'apple' }} `('schema validation passes for $description', ({ input }) => { expect(input).toValidateJsonSchema(schema); }); it('throws if not matching', () => { expect(() => expect(null).toValidateJsonSchema(schema)).toThrowError( `Expected the given data to pass the schema validation, but found that it was considered invalid. Errors: Error with item : must be object`, ); }); }); describe('negative assertions', () => { it.each` description | input ${'no input'} | ${null} ${'input with invalid type'} | ${'banana'} ${'input with invalid length'} | ${{ fruit: 'aa' }} ${'input with invalid type'} | ${{ fruit: 12345 }} `('schema validation fails for $description', ({ input }) => { expect(input).not.toValidateJsonSchema(schema); }); it('throws if matching', () => { expect(() => expect({ fruit: 'apple' }).not.toValidateJsonSchema(schema)).toThrowError( 'Expected the given data not to pass the schema validation, but found that it was considered valid.', ); }); }); });