module Ci class Build < CommitStatus include TokenAuthenticatable include AfterCommitQueue include Presentable belongs_to :runner belongs_to :trigger_request belongs_to :erased_by, class_name: 'User' has_many :deployments, as: :deployable has_one :last_deployment, -> { order(' DESC') }, as: :deployable, class_name: 'Deployment' # The "environment" field for builds is a String, and is the unexpanded name def persisted_environment @persisted_environment ||= Environment.find_by( name: expanded_environment_name, project: project ) end serialize :options serialize :yaml_variables, Gitlab::Serializer::Ci::Variables delegate :name, to: :project, prefix: true validates :coverage, numericality: true, allow_blank: true validates :ref, presence: true scope :unstarted, ->() { where(runner_id: nil) } scope :ignore_failures, ->() { where(allow_failure: false) } scope :with_artifacts, ->() { where.not(artifacts_file: [nil, '']) } scope :with_artifacts_not_expired, ->() { with_artifacts.where('artifacts_expire_at IS NULL OR artifacts_expire_at > ?', } scope :with_expired_artifacts, ->() { with_artifacts.where('artifacts_expire_at < ?', } scope :last_month, ->() { where('created_at > ?', - 1.month) } scope :manual_actions, ->() { where(when: :manual).relevant } mount_uploader :artifacts_file, ArtifactUploader mount_uploader :artifacts_metadata, ArtifactUploader acts_as_taggable add_authentication_token_field :token before_save :update_artifacts_size, if: :artifacts_file_changed? before_save :ensure_token before_destroy { unscoped_project } after_create :execute_hooks after_save :update_project_statistics, if: :artifacts_size_changed? after_destroy :update_project_statistics class << self def first_pending pending.unstarted.order('created_at ASC').first end def retry(build, current_user) Ci::RetryBuildService .new(build.project, current_user) .execute(build) end end state_machine :status do event :actionize do transition created: :manual end after_transition any => [:pending] do |build| build.run_after_commit do BuildQueueWorker.perform_async(id) end end after_transition pending: :running do |build| build.run_after_commit do BuildHooksWorker.perform_async(id) end end after_transition any => [:success, :failed, :canceled] do |build| build.run_after_commit do BuildFinishedWorker.perform_async(id) end end after_transition any => [:success] do |build| build.run_after_commit do BuildSuccessWorker.perform_async(id) end end end def detailed_status(current_user) Gitlab::Ci::Status::Build::Factory .new(self, current_user) .fabricate! end def other_actions pipeline.manual_actions.where.not(name: name) end def playable? project.builds_enabled? && has_commands? && action? && manual? end def action? self.when == 'manual' end def has_commands? commands.present? end def play(current_user) # Try to queue a current build if self.enqueue self.update(user: current_user) self else # Otherwise we need to create a duplicate Ci::Build.retry(self, current_user) end end def cancelable? active? end def retryable? project.builds_enabled? && has_commands? && (success? || failed? || canceled?) end def retried? !self.pipeline.statuses.latest.include?(self) end def expanded_environment_name ExpandVariables.expand(environment, simple_variables) if environment end def has_environment? environment.present? end def starts_environment? has_environment? && self.environment_action == 'start' end def stops_environment? has_environment? && self.environment_action == 'stop' end def environment_action self.options.fetch(:environment, {}).fetch(:action, 'start') if self.options end def outdated_deployment? success? && !last_deployment.try(:last?) end def depends_on_builds # Get builds of the same type latest_builds = self.pipeline.builds.latest # Return builds from previous stages latest_builds.where('stage_idx < ?', stage_idx) end def timeout project.build_timeout end # A slugified version of the build ref, suitable for inclusion in URLs and # domain names. Rules: # # * Lowercased # * Anything not matching [a-z0-9-] is replaced with a - # * Maximum length is 63 bytes def ref_slug slugified = ref.to_s.downcase slugified.gsub(/[^a-z0-9]/, '-')[0..62] end # Variables whose value does not depend on other variables def simple_variables variables = predefined_variables variables += project.predefined_variables variables += pipeline.predefined_variables variables += runner.predefined_variables if runner variables += project.container_registry_variables variables += project.deployment_variables if has_environment? variables += yaml_variables variables += user_variables variables += project.secret_variables variables += trigger_request.user_variables if trigger_request variables end # All variables, including those dependent on other variables def variables variables = simple_variables variables += persisted_environment.predefined_variables if persisted_environment.present? variables end def merge_request merge_requests = MergeRequest.includes(:merge_request_diff) .where(source_branch: ref, source_project: pipeline.project) .reorder(iid: :asc) merge_requests.find do |merge_request| merge_request.commits_sha.include?(pipeline.sha) end end def repo_url auth = "gitlab-ci-token:#{ensure_token!}@" project.http_url_to_repo.sub(/^https?:\/\//) do |prefix| prefix + auth end end def allow_git_fetch project.build_allow_git_fetch end def update_coverage coverage = trace.extract_coverage(coverage_regex) update_attributes(coverage: coverage) if coverage.present? end def trace end def has_trace? trace.exist? end def trace=(data) raise NotImplementedError end def old_trace read_attribute(:trace) end def erase_old_trace! write_attribute(:trace, nil) save end def needs_touch? - updated_at > 15.minutes.to_i end ## # Deprecated # # This contains a hotfix for CI build data integrity, see #4246 # # This method is used by `ArtifactUploader` to create a store_dir. # Warning: Uploader uses it after AND before file has been stored. # # This method returns old path to artifacts only if it already exists. # def artifacts_path # We need the project even if it's soft deleted, because whenever # we're really deleting the project, we'll also delete the builds, # and in order to delete the builds, we need to know where to find # the artifacts, which is depending on the data of the project. # We need to retain the project in this case. the_project = project || unscoped_project old = File.join(created_at.utc.strftime('%Y_%m'), the_project.ci_id.to_s, id.to_s) old_store = File.join(ArtifactUploader.artifacts_path, old) return old if the_project.ci_id && File.join( created_at.utc.strftime('%Y_%m'),, id.to_s ) end def valid_token?(token) self.token && ActiveSupport::SecurityUtils.variable_size_secure_compare(token, self.token) end def has_tags? tag_list.any? end def any_runners_online? project.any_runners? { |runner| && && runner.can_pick?(self) } end def stuck? pending? && !any_runners_online? end def execute_hooks return unless project build_data = project.execute_hooks(build_data.dup, :build_hooks) project.execute_services(build_data.dup, :build_hooks) project.running_or_pending_build_count(force: true) end def artifacts? !artifacts_expired? && artifacts_file.exists? end def artifacts_metadata? artifacts? && artifacts_metadata.exists? end def artifacts_metadata_entry(path, **options) metadata = artifacts_metadata.path, path, **options) metadata.to_entry end def erase_artifacts! remove_artifacts_file! remove_artifacts_metadata! save end def erase(opts = {}) return false unless erasable? erase_artifacts! erase_trace! update_erased!(opts[:erased_by]) end def erasable? complete? && (artifacts? || has_trace?) end def erased? !self.erased_at.nil? end def artifacts_expired? artifacts_expire_at && artifacts_expire_at < end def artifacts_expire_in artifacts_expire_at - if artifacts_expire_at end def artifacts_expire_in=(value) self.artifacts_expire_at = if value ChronicDuration.parse(value)&.seconds&.from_now end end def has_expiring_artifacts? artifacts_expire_at.present? end def keep_artifacts! self.update(artifacts_expire_at: nil) end def coverage_regex super || project.try(:build_coverage_regex) end def when read_attribute(:when) || build_attributes_from_config[:when] || 'on_success' end def yaml_variables read_attribute(:yaml_variables) || build_attributes_from_config[:yaml_variables] || [] end def user_variables return [] if user.blank? [ { key: 'GITLAB_USER_ID', value:, public: true }, { key: 'GITLAB_USER_EMAIL', value:, public: true } ] end def steps [Gitlab::Ci::Build::Step.from_commands(self), Gitlab::Ci::Build::Step.from_after_script(self)].compact end def image Gitlab::Ci::Build::Image.from_image(self) end def services Gitlab::Ci::Build::Image.from_services(self) end def artifacts [options[:artifacts]] end def cache [options[:cache]] end def credentials! end def dependencies return [] if empty_dependencies? depended_jobs = depends_on_builds return depended_jobs unless options[:dependencies].present? do |job| options[:dependencies].include?( end end def empty_dependencies? options[:dependencies]&.empty? end def hide_secrets(trace) return unless trace trace = trace.dup Ci::MaskSecret.mask!(trace, project.runners_token) if project Ci::MaskSecret.mask!(trace, token) trace end private def update_artifacts_size self.artifacts_size = if artifacts_file.exists? artifacts_file.size else nil end end def erase_trace! trace.erase! end def update_erased!(user = nil) self.update(erased_by: user, erased_at:, artifacts_expire_at: nil) end def unscoped_project @unscoped_project ||= Project.unscoped.find_by(id: project_id) end CI_REGISTRY_USER = 'gitlab-ci-token'.freeze def predefined_variables variables = [ { key: 'CI', value: 'true', public: true }, { key: 'GITLAB_CI', value: 'true', public: true }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_NAME', value: 'GitLab', public: true }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_VERSION', value: Gitlab::VERSION, public: true }, { key: 'CI_SERVER_REVISION', value: Gitlab::REVISION, public: true }, { key: 'CI_JOB_ID', value: id.to_s, public: true }, { key: 'CI_JOB_NAME', value: name, public: true }, { key: 'CI_JOB_STAGE', value: stage, public: true }, { key: 'CI_JOB_TOKEN', value: token, public: false }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_SHA', value: sha, public: true }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME', value: ref, public: true }, { key: 'CI_COMMIT_REF_SLUG', value: ref_slug, public: true }, { key: 'CI_REGISTRY_USER', value: CI_REGISTRY_USER, public: true }, { key: 'CI_REGISTRY_PASSWORD', value: token, public: false }, { key: 'CI_REPOSITORY_URL', value: repo_url, public: false } ] variables << { key: "CI_COMMIT_TAG", value: ref, public: true } if tag? variables << { key: "CI_PIPELINE_TRIGGERED", value: 'true', public: true } if trigger_request variables << { key: "CI_JOB_MANUAL", value: 'true', public: true } if action? variables.concat(legacy_variables) end def legacy_variables variables = [ { key: 'CI_BUILD_ID', value: id.to_s, public: true }, { key: 'CI_BUILD_TOKEN', value: token, public: false }, { key: 'CI_BUILD_REF', value: sha, public: true }, { key: 'CI_BUILD_BEFORE_SHA', value: before_sha, public: true }, { key: 'CI_BUILD_REF_NAME', value: ref, public: true }, { key: 'CI_BUILD_REF_SLUG', value: ref_slug, public: true }, { key: 'CI_BUILD_NAME', value: name, public: true }, { key: 'CI_BUILD_STAGE', value: stage, public: true } ] variables << { key: "CI_BUILD_TAG", value: ref, public: true } if tag? variables << { key: "CI_BUILD_TRIGGERED", value: 'true', public: true } if trigger_request variables << { key: "CI_BUILD_MANUAL", value: 'true', public: true } if action? variables end def build_attributes_from_config return {} unless pipeline.config_processor pipeline.config_processor.build_attributes(name) end def update_project_statistics return unless project ProjectCacheWorker.perform_async(project_id, [], [:build_artifacts_size]) end end end