# frozen_string_literal: true require 'asciidoctor/extensions/asciidoctor_kroki/extension' module Gitlab # Helper methods for Kroki module Kroki BLOCKDIAG_FORMATS = %w[ blockdiag seqdiag actdiag nwdiag packetdiag rackdiag ].freeze DIAGRAMS_FORMATS = (::AsciidoctorExtensions::Kroki::SUPPORTED_DIAGRAM_NAMES - %w(mermaid)).freeze DIAGRAMS_FORMATS_WO_PLANTUML = (DIAGRAMS_FORMATS - %w(plantuml)).freeze # Get the list of diagram formats that are currently enabled # # Returns an Array of diagram formats. # If Kroki is not enabled, returns an empty Array. def self.formats(current_settings) return [] unless current_settings.kroki_enabled # If PlantUML is enabled, PlantUML diagrams will be processed by the PlantUML server. # In other words, the PlantUML server has precedence over Kroki since both can process PlantUML diagrams. diagram_formats = if current_settings.plantuml_enabled DIAGRAMS_FORMATS_WO_PLANTUML else DIAGRAMS_FORMATS end # No additional diagram formats return diagram_formats unless current_settings.kroki_formats.present? # Diagrams that require a companion container must be explicitly enabled from the settings diagram_formats.select do |diagram_type| current_settings.kroki_format_supported?(diagram_type) end end end end