/* eslint-disable no-useless-return, max-len */ import Api from '../api'; import TemplateSelector from '../blob/template_selector'; export default class IssuableTemplateSelector extends TemplateSelector { constructor(...args) { super(...args); this.projectPath = this.dropdown.data('projectPath'); this.namespacePath = this.dropdown.data('namespacePath'); this.issuableType = this.$dropdownContainer.data('issuableType'); this.titleInput = $(`#${this.issuableType}_title`); const initialQuery = { name: this.dropdown.data('selected'), }; if (initialQuery.name) this.requestFile(initialQuery); $('.reset-template', this.dropdown.parent()).on('click', () => { this.setInputValueToTemplateContent(); }); $('.no-template', this.dropdown.parent()).on('click', () => { this.currentTemplate.content = ''; this.setInputValueToTemplateContent(); $('.dropdown-toggle-text', this.dropdown).text('Choose a template'); }); } requestFile(query) { this.startLoadingSpinner(); Api.issueTemplate(this.namespacePath, this.projectPath, query.name, this.issuableType, (err, currentTemplate) => { this.currentTemplate = currentTemplate; this.stopLoadingSpinner(); if (err) return; // Error handled by global AJAX error handler this.setInputValueToTemplateContent(); }); return; } setInputValueToTemplateContent() { // `this.setEditorContent` sets the value of the description input field // to the content of the template selected. if (this.titleInput.val() === '') { // If the title has not yet been set, focus the title input and // skip focusing the description input by setting `true` as the // `skipFocus` option to `setEditorContent`. this.setEditorContent(this.currentTemplate, { skipFocus: true }); this.titleInput.focus(); } else { this.setEditorContent(this.currentTemplate, { skipFocus: false }); } return; } }