# frozen_string_literal: true module HasStatus extend ActiveSupport::Concern DEFAULT_STATUS = 'created' BLOCKED_STATUS = %w[manual scheduled].freeze AVAILABLE_STATUSES = %w[created waiting_for_resource preparing pending running success failed canceled skipped manual scheduled].freeze STARTED_STATUSES = %w[running success failed skipped manual scheduled].freeze ACTIVE_STATUSES = %w[waiting_for_resource preparing pending running].freeze COMPLETED_STATUSES = %w[success failed canceled skipped].freeze ORDERED_STATUSES = %w[failed preparing pending running waiting_for_resource manual scheduled canceled success skipped created].freeze PASSED_WITH_WARNINGS_STATUSES = %w[failed canceled].to_set.freeze EXCLUDE_IGNORED_STATUSES = %w[manual failed canceled].to_set.freeze STATUSES_ENUM = { created: 0, pending: 1, running: 2, success: 3, failed: 4, canceled: 5, skipped: 6, manual: 7, scheduled: 8, preparing: 9, waiting_for_resource: 10 }.freeze UnknownStatusError = Class.new(StandardError) class_methods do def legacy_status_sql scope_relevant = respond_to?(:exclude_ignored) ? exclude_ignored : all scope_warnings = respond_to?(:failed_but_allowed) ? failed_but_allowed : none builds = scope_relevant.select('count(*)').to_sql created = scope_relevant.created.select('count(*)').to_sql success = scope_relevant.success.select('count(*)').to_sql manual = scope_relevant.manual.select('count(*)').to_sql scheduled = scope_relevant.scheduled.select('count(*)').to_sql preparing = scope_relevant.preparing.select('count(*)').to_sql waiting_for_resource = scope_relevant.waiting_for_resource.select('count(*)').to_sql pending = scope_relevant.pending.select('count(*)').to_sql running = scope_relevant.running.select('count(*)').to_sql skipped = scope_relevant.skipped.select('count(*)').to_sql canceled = scope_relevant.canceled.select('count(*)').to_sql warnings = scope_warnings.select('count(*) > 0').to_sql.presence || 'false' Arel.sql( "(CASE WHEN (#{builds})=(#{skipped}) AND (#{warnings}) THEN 'success' WHEN (#{builds})=(#{skipped}) THEN 'skipped' WHEN (#{builds})=(#{success}) THEN 'success' WHEN (#{builds})=(#{created}) THEN 'created' WHEN (#{builds})=(#{preparing}) THEN 'preparing' WHEN (#{builds})=(#{success})+(#{skipped}) THEN 'success' WHEN (#{builds})=(#{success})+(#{skipped})+(#{canceled}) THEN 'canceled' WHEN (#{builds})=(#{created})+(#{skipped})+(#{pending}) THEN 'pending' WHEN (#{running})+(#{pending})>0 THEN 'running' WHEN (#{waiting_for_resource})>0 THEN 'waiting_for_resource' WHEN (#{manual})>0 THEN 'manual' WHEN (#{scheduled})>0 THEN 'scheduled' WHEN (#{preparing})>0 THEN 'preparing' WHEN (#{created})>0 THEN 'running' ELSE 'failed' END)" ) end def legacy_status all.pluck(legacy_status_sql).first end # This method should not be used. # This method performs expensive calculation of status: # 1. By plucking all related objects, # 2. Or executes expensive SQL query def slow_composite_status(project:) if Feature.enabled?(:ci_composite_status, project, default_enabled: false) Gitlab::Ci::Status::Composite .new(all, with_allow_failure: columns_hash.key?('allow_failure')) .status else legacy_status end end def started_at all.minimum(:started_at) end def finished_at all.maximum(:finished_at) end def all_state_names state_machines.values.flat_map(&:states).flat_map { |s| s.map(&:name) } end def completed_statuses COMPLETED_STATUSES.map(&:to_sym) end end included do validates :status, inclusion: { in: AVAILABLE_STATUSES } state_machine :status, initial: :created do state :created, value: 'created' state :waiting_for_resource, value: 'waiting_for_resource' state :preparing, value: 'preparing' state :pending, value: 'pending' state :running, value: 'running' state :failed, value: 'failed' state :success, value: 'success' state :canceled, value: 'canceled' state :skipped, value: 'skipped' state :manual, value: 'manual' state :scheduled, value: 'scheduled' end scope :created, -> { with_status(:created) } scope :waiting_for_resource, -> { with_status(:waiting_for_resource) } scope :preparing, -> { with_status(:preparing) } scope :relevant, -> { without_status(:created) } scope :running, -> { with_status(:running) } scope :pending, -> { with_status(:pending) } scope :success, -> { with_status(:success) } scope :failed, -> { with_status(:failed) } scope :canceled, -> { with_status(:canceled) } scope :skipped, -> { with_status(:skipped) } scope :manual, -> { with_status(:manual) } scope :scheduled, -> { with_status(:scheduled) } scope :alive, -> { with_status(:created, :waiting_for_resource, :preparing, :pending, :running) } scope :alive_or_scheduled, -> { with_status(:created, :waiting_for_resource, :preparing, :pending, :running, :scheduled) } scope :created_or_pending, -> { with_status(:created, :pending) } scope :running_or_pending, -> { with_status(:running, :pending) } scope :finished, -> { with_status(:success, :failed, :canceled) } scope :failed_or_canceled, -> { with_status(:failed, :canceled) } scope :incomplete, -> { without_statuses(completed_statuses) } scope :cancelable, -> do where(status: [:running, :waiting_for_resource, :preparing, :pending, :created, :scheduled]) end scope :without_statuses, -> (names) do with_status(all_state_names - names.to_a) end end def started? STARTED_STATUSES.include?(status) && started_at end def active? ACTIVE_STATUSES.include?(status) end def complete? COMPLETED_STATUSES.include?(status) end def blocked? BLOCKED_STATUS.include?(status) end private def calculate_duration if started_at && finished_at finished_at - started_at elsif started_at Time.current - started_at end end end