class LegacyDiffNote < Note serialize :st_diff validates :line_code, presence: true, line_code: true before_create :set_diff class << self def build_discussion_id(noteable_type, noteable_id, line_code, active = true) [super(noteable_type, noteable_id), line_code, active].join("-") end end def diff_note? true end def legacy_diff_note? true end def discussion_id @discussion_id ||= self.class.build_discussion_id(noteable_type, noteable_id || commit_id, line_code, active?) end def diff_file_hash line_code.split('_')[0] if line_code end def diff_old_line line_code.split('_')[1].to_i if line_code end def diff_new_line line_code.split('_')[2].to_i if line_code end def diff @diff ||= if st_diff.respond_to?(:map) end def diff_file_path diff.new_path.presence || diff.old_path end def diff_lines @diff_lines ||= end def diff_line @diff_line ||= diff_lines.find { |line| generate_line_code(line) == self.line_code } end def diff_line_text diff_line.try(:text) end def diff_line_type diff_line.try(:type) end def highlighted_diff_lines end def truncated_diff_lines max_number_of_lines = 16 prev_match_line = nil prev_lines = [] highlighted_diff_lines.each do |line| if line.type == "match" prev_lines.clear prev_match_line = line else prev_lines << line break if generate_line_code(line) == self.line_code prev_lines.shift if prev_lines.length >= max_number_of_lines end end prev_lines end # Check if this note is part of an "active" discussion # # This will always return true for anything except MergeRequest noteables, # which have special logic. # # If the note's current diff cannot be matched in the MergeRequest's current # diff, it's considered inactive. def active? return @active if defined?(@active) return true if for_commit? return true unless self.diff return false unless noteable noteable_diff = find_noteable_diff if noteable_diff parsed_lines = @active = parsed_lines.any? { |line_obj| line_obj.text == diff_line_text } else @active = false end @active end def award_emoji_supported? false end private def find_diff return nil unless noteable return @diff if defined?(@diff) @diff = noteable.diffs(Commit.max_diff_options).find do |d| d.new_path && Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(d.new_path) == diff_file_hash end end def set_diff # First lets find notes with same diff # before iterating over all mr diffs diff = diff_for_line_code unless for_merge_request? diff ||= find_diff self.st_diff = diff.to_hash if diff end def diff_for_line_code attributes = { noteable_type: noteable_type, line_code: line_code } if for_commit? attributes[:commit_id] = commit_id else attributes[:noteable_id] = noteable_id end self.class.where(attributes).last.try(:diff) end def generate_line_code(line) Gitlab::Diff::LineCode.generate(diff_file_path, line.new_pos, line.old_pos) end # Find the diff on noteable that matches our own def find_noteable_diff diffs = noteable.diffs(Commit.max_diff_options) diffs.find { |d| d.new_path == self.diff.new_path } end end