# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'VerifiesWithEmail', :clean_gitlab_redis_sessions, :clean_gitlab_redis_rate_limiting do include SessionHelpers include EmailHelpers let(:user) { create(:user) } shared_examples_for 'send verification instructions' do it 'locks the user' do user.reload expect(user.unlock_token).not_to be_nil expect(user.locked_at).not_to be_nil end it 'sends an email' do mail = find_email_for(user) expect(mail.to).to match_array([user.email]) expect(mail.subject).to eq('Verify your identity') end end shared_examples_for 'prompt for email verification' do it 'sets the verification_user_id session variable and renders the email verification template' do expect(request.session[:verification_user_id]).to eq(user.id) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to render_template('devise/sessions/email_verification') end end describe 'verify_with_email' do context 'when user is locked and a verification_user_id session variable exists' do before do encrypted_token = Devise.token_generator.digest(User, :unlock_token, 'token') user.update!(locked_at: Time.current, unlock_token: encrypted_token) stub_session(verification_user_id: user.id) end context 'when rate limited and a verification_token param exists' do before do allow(Gitlab::ApplicationRateLimiter).to receive(:throttled?).and_return(true) post(user_session_path(user: { verification_token: 'token' })) end it_behaves_like 'prompt for email verification' it 'adds a verification error message' do expect(response.body) .to include("You've reached the maximum amount of tries. "\ 'Wait 10 minutes or resend a new code and try again.') end end context 'when an invalid verification_token param exists' do before do post(user_session_path(user: { verification_token: 'invalid_token' })) end it_behaves_like 'prompt for email verification' it 'adds a verification error message' do expect(response.body).to include(('The code is incorrect. Enter it again, or resend a new code.')) end end context 'when an expired verification_token param exists' do before do user.update!(locked_at: 1.hour.ago) post(user_session_path(user: { verification_token: 'token' })) end it_behaves_like 'prompt for email verification' it 'adds a verification error message' do expect(response.body).to include(('The code has expired. Resend a new code and try again.')) end end context 'when a valid verification_token param exists' do before do post(user_session_path(user: { verification_token: 'token' })) end it 'unlocks the user' do user.reload expect(user.unlock_token).to be_nil expect(user.locked_at).to be_nil end it 'redirects to the successful verification path' do expect(response).to redirect_to(users_successful_verification_path) end end end context 'when signing in with a valid password' do let(:sign_in) { post(user_session_path(user: { login: user.username, password: user.password })) } context 'when the feature flag is toggled on' do before do stub_feature_flags(require_email_verification: user) end context 'when rate limited' do before do allow(Gitlab::ApplicationRateLimiter).to receive(:throttled?).and_return(true) sign_in end it 'redirects to the login form and shows an alert message' do expect(response).to redirect_to(new_user_session_path) expect(flash[:alert]).to eq('Maximum login attempts exceeded. Wait 10 minutes and try again.') end end context 'when the user already has an unlock_token set' do before do user.update!(unlock_token: 'token') sign_in end it_behaves_like 'prompt for email verification' end context 'when the user is already locked' do before do user.update!(locked_at: Time.current) perform_enqueued_jobs { sign_in } end it_behaves_like 'send verification instructions' it_behaves_like 'prompt for email verification' end context 'when the user is signing in from an unknown ip address' do before do allow(AuthenticationEvent) .to receive(:initial_login_or_known_ip_address?) .and_return(false) perform_enqueued_jobs { sign_in } end it_behaves_like 'send verification instructions' it_behaves_like 'prompt for email verification' end end context 'when the feature flag is toggled off' do let(:another_user) { build(:user) } before do stub_feature_flags(require_email_verification: another_user) sign_in end it 'redirects to the root path' do expect(response).to redirect_to(root_path) end end end end describe 'resend_verification_code' do context 'when no verification_user_id session variable exists' do before do post(users_resend_verification_code_path) end it 'returns 204 No Content' do expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:no_content) expect(response.body).to be_empty end end context 'when a verification_user_id session variable exists' do before do stub_session(verification_user_id: user.id) perform_enqueued_jobs do post(users_resend_verification_code_path) end end it_behaves_like 'send verification instructions' it_behaves_like 'prompt for email verification' end context 'when exceeding the rate limit' do before do allow(Gitlab::ApplicationRateLimiter).to receive(:throttled?).and_return(true) stub_session(verification_user_id: user.id) perform_enqueued_jobs do post(users_resend_verification_code_path) end end it 'does not lock the user' do user.reload expect(user.unlock_token).to be_nil expect(user.locked_at).to be_nil end it 'does not send an email' do mail = find_email_for(user) expect(mail).to be_nil end it_behaves_like 'prompt for email verification' end end describe 'successful_verification' do before do sign_in(user) end it 'renders the template and removes the verification_user_id session variable' do stub_session(verification_user_id: user.id) get(users_successful_verification_path) expect(request.session.has_key?(:verification_user_id)).to eq(false) expect(response).to have_gitlab_http_status(:ok) expect(response).to render_template('successful_verification', layout: 'minimal') expect(response.body).to include(root_path) end end end