module Gitlab # Checks if a set of migrations requires downtime or not. class EeCompatCheck EE_REPO = ''.freeze attr_reader :ce_branch, :check_dir, :ce_repo def initialize(branch:, check_dir:, ce_repo: nil) @ce_branch = branch @check_dir = check_dir @ce_repo = ce_repo || '' end def check ensure_ee_repo delete_patches generate_patch(ce_branch, ce_patch_full_path) Dir.chdir(check_dir) do step("In the #{check_dir} directory") step("Pulling latest master", %w[git pull --ff-only origin master]) status = catch(:halt_check) do ce_branch_compat_check! delete_ee_branch_locally ee_branch_presence_check! ee_branch_compat_check! end delete_ee_branch_locally delete_patches if status.nil? true else false end end end private def ensure_ee_repo if Dir.exist?(check_dir) step("#{check_dir} already exists") else cmd = %W[git clone --branch master --single-branch --depth 1 #{EE_REPO} #{check_dir}] step("Cloning #{EE_REPO} into #{check_dir}", cmd) end end def ce_branch_compat_check! cmd = %W[git apply --check #{ce_patch_full_path}] status = step("Checking if #{ce_patch_name} applies cleanly to EE/master", cmd) if puts ce_applies_cleanly_msg(ce_branch) throw(:halt_check) end end def ee_branch_presence_check! status = step("Fetching origin/#{ee_branch}", %W[git fetch origin #{ee_branch}]) unless puts puts ce_branch_doesnt_apply_cleanly_and_no_ee_branch_msg throw(:halt_check, :ko) end end def ee_branch_compat_check! step("Checking out origin/#{ee_branch}", %W[git checkout -b #{ee_branch} FETCH_HEAD]) generate_patch(ee_branch, ee_patch_full_path) cmd = %W[git apply --check #{ee_patch_full_path}] status = step("Checking if #{ee_patch_name} applies cleanly to EE/master", cmd) unless puts puts ee_branch_doesnt_apply_cleanly_msg throw(:halt_check, :ko) end puts puts ee_applies_cleanly_msg end def generate_patch(branch, filepath) FileUtils.rm(filepath, force: true) depth = 0 loop do depth += 10 step("Fetching origin/master", %W[git fetch origin master --depth=#{depth}]) status = step("Finding merge base with master", %W[git merge-base FETCH_HEAD #{branch}]) break if || depth > 500 end raise "#{branch} is too far behind master, please rebase it!" if depth > 500 step("Generating the patch against master") output, status = Gitlab::Popen.popen(%w[git format-patch FETCH_HEAD --stdout]) throw(:halt_check, :ko) unless, 'w+') { |f| f.write(output) } throw(:halt_check, :ko) unless File.exist?(filepath) end def delete_ee_branch_locally command(%w[git checkout master]) step("Deleting the local #{ee_branch} branch", %W[git branch -D #{ee_branch}]) end def delete_patches step("Deleting #{ce_patch_full_path}") FileUtils.rm(ce_patch_full_path, force: true) step("Deleting #{ee_patch_full_path}") FileUtils.rm(ee_patch_full_path, force: true) end def ce_patch_name @ce_patch_name ||= "#{ce_branch}.patch" end def ce_patch_full_path @ce_patch_full_path ||= File.expand_path(ce_patch_name, check_dir) end def ee_branch @ee_branch ||= "#{ce_branch}-ee" end def ee_patch_name @ee_patch_name ||= "#{ee_branch}.patch" end def ee_patch_full_path @ee_patch_full_path ||= File.expand_path(ee_patch_name, check_dir) end def step(desc, cmd = nil) puts "\n=> #{desc}\n" if cmd puts "\n$ #{cmd.join(' ')}" command(cmd) end end def command(cmd) output, status = Gitlab::Popen.popen(cmd) puts output status end def ce_applies_cleanly_msg(ce_branch) <<-MSG.strip_heredoc ================================================================= 🎉 Congratulations!! 🎉 The #{ce_branch} branch applies cleanly to EE/master! Much ❤️!! =================================================================\n MSG end def ce_branch_doesnt_apply_cleanly_and_no_ee_branch_msg <<-MSG.strip_heredoc ================================================================= 💥 Oh no! 💥 The #{ce_branch} branch does not apply cleanly to the current EE/master, and no #{ee_branch} branch was found in the EE repository. Please create a #{ee_branch} branch that includes changes from #{ce_branch} but also specific changes than can be applied cleanly to EE/master. There are different ways to create such branch: 1. Create a new branch based on the CE branch and rebase it on top of EE/master # In the EE repo $ git fetch #{ce_repo} #{ce_branch} $ git checkout -b #{ee_branch} FETCH_HEAD # You can squash the #{ce_branch} commits into a single "Port of #{ce_branch} to EE" commit # before rebasing to limit the conflicts-resolving steps during the rebase $ git fetch origin $ git rebase origin/master At this point you will likely have conflicts. Solve them, and continue/finish the rebase. You can squash the #{ce_branch} commits into a single "Port of #{ce_branch} to EE". 2. Create a new branch from master and cherry-pick your CE commits # In the EE repo $ git fetch origin $ git checkout -b #{ee_branch} FETCH_HEAD $ git fetch #{ce_repo} #{ce_branch} $ git cherry-pick SHA # Repeat for all the commits you want to pick You can squash the #{ce_branch} commits into a single "Port of #{ce_branch} to EE" commit. Don't forget to push your branch to #{EE_REPO}: # In the EE repo $ git push origin #{ee_branch} You can then retry this failed build, and hopefully it should pass. Stay 💪 ! =================================================================\n MSG end def ee_branch_doesnt_apply_cleanly_msg <<-MSG.strip_heredoc ================================================================= 💥 Oh no! 💥 The #{ce_branch} does not apply cleanly to the current EE/master, and even though a #{ee_branch} branch exists in the EE repository, it does not apply cleanly either to EE/master! Please update the #{ee_branch}, push it again to #{EE_REPO}, and retry this build. Stay 💪 ! =================================================================\n MSG end def ee_applies_cleanly_msg <<-MSG.strip_heredoc ================================================================= 🎉 Congratulations!! 🎉 The #{ee_branch} branch applies cleanly to EE/master! Much ❤️!! =================================================================\n MSG end end end