import _ from 'underscore'; import { getSelector, togglePopover, inserted, mouseenter, mouseleave, } from './feature_highlight_helper'; export function setupFeatureHighlightPopover(id, debounceTimeout = 300) { const $selector = $(getSelector(id)); const $parent = $selector.parent(); const $popoverContent = $parent.siblings('.feature-highlight-popover-content'); const hideOnScroll = togglePopover.bind($selector, false); const debouncedMouseleave = _.debounce(mouseleave, debounceTimeout); $selector // Setup popover .data('content', $popoverContent.prop('outerHTML')) .popover({ html: true, // Override the existing template to add custom CSS classes template: ` `, }) .on('mouseenter', mouseenter) .on('mouseleave', debouncedMouseleave) .on('', inserted) .on('', () => { window.addEventListener('scroll', hideOnScroll); }) .on('', () => { window.removeEventListener('scroll', hideOnScroll); }) // Display feature highlight .removeAttr('disabled'); } export function findHighestPriorityFeature() { let priorityFeature; const sortedFeatureEls = []'.js-feature-highlight')).sort((a, b) => (a.dataset.highlightPriority || 0) < (b.dataset.highlightPriority || 0)); const [priorityFeatureEl] = sortedFeatureEls; if (priorityFeatureEl) { priorityFeature = priorityFeatureEl.dataset.highlight; } return priorityFeature; } export function highlightFeatures() { const priorityFeature = findHighestPriorityFeature(); if (priorityFeature) { setupFeatureHighlightPopover(priorityFeature); } return priorityFeature; }