# frozen_string_literal: true module Gitlab module QuickActions module IssuableActions extend ActiveSupport::Concern include Gitlab::QuickActions::Dsl SHRUG = '¯\\_(ツ)_/¯' TABLEFLIP = '(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻' included do # Issue, MergeRequest, Epic: quick actions definitions desc do _('Close this %{quick_action_target}') % { quick_action_target: quick_action_target.to_ability_name.humanize(capitalize: false) } end explanation do _('Closes this %{quick_action_target}.') % { quick_action_target: quick_action_target.to_ability_name.humanize(capitalize: false) } end execution_message do _('Closed this %{quick_action_target}.') % { quick_action_target: quick_action_target.to_ability_name.humanize(capitalize: false) } end types Issuable condition do quick_action_target.persisted? && quick_action_target.open? && current_user.can?(:"update_#{quick_action_target.to_ability_name}", quick_action_target) end command :close do @updates[:state_event] = 'close' end desc do _('Reopen this %{quick_action_target}') % { quick_action_target: quick_action_target.to_ability_name.humanize(capitalize: false) } end explanation do _('Reopens this %{quick_action_target}.') % { quick_action_target: quick_action_target.to_ability_name.humanize(capitalize: false) } end execution_message do _('Reopened this %{quick_action_target}.') % { quick_action_target: quick_action_target.to_ability_name.humanize(capitalize: false) } end types Issuable condition do quick_action_target.persisted? && quick_action_target.closed? && current_user.can?(:"update_#{quick_action_target.to_ability_name}", quick_action_target) end command :reopen do @updates[:state_event] = 'reopen' end desc _('Change title') explanation do |title_param| _('Changes the title to "%{title_param}".') % { title_param: title_param } end execution_message do |title_param| _('Changed the title to "%{title_param}".') % { title_param: title_param } end params '' types Issuable condition do quick_action_target.persisted? && current_user.can?(:"update_#{quick_action_target.to_ability_name}", quick_action_target) end command :title do |title_param| @updates[:title] = title_param end desc _('Add label(s)') explanation do |labels_param| labels = find_label_references(labels_param) if labels.any? _("Adds %{labels} %{label_text}.") % { labels: labels.join(' '), label_text: 'label'.pluralize(labels.count) } end end params '~label1 ~"label 2"' types Issuable condition do parent && current_user.can?(:"admin_#{quick_action_target.to_ability_name}", parent) && find_labels.any? end command :label do |labels_param| run_label_command(labels: find_labels(labels_param), command: :label, updates_key: :add_label_ids) end desc _('Remove all or specific label(s)') explanation do |labels_param = nil| label_references = labels_param.present? ? find_label_references(labels_param) : [] if label_references.any? _("Removes %{label_references} %{label_text}.") % { label_references: label_references.join(' '), label_text: 'label'.pluralize(label_references.count) } else _('Removes all labels.') end end params '~label1 ~"label 2"' types Issuable condition do quick_action_target.persisted? && quick_action_target.labels.any? && current_user.can?(:"admin_#{quick_action_target.to_ability_name}", parent) end command :unlabel do |labels_param = nil| if labels_param.present? labels = find_labels(labels_param) label_ids = labels.map(&:id) label_references = labels_to_reference(labels, :name) if label_ids.any? @updates[:remove_label_ids] ||= [] @updates[:remove_label_ids] += label_ids @updates[:remove_label_ids].uniq! end else @updates[:label_ids] = [] label_references = [] end @execution_message[:unlabel] = remove_label_message(label_references) end desc _('Replace all label(s)') explanation do |labels_param| labels = find_label_references(labels_param) "Replaces all labels with #{labels.join(' ')} #{'label'.pluralize(labels.count)}." if labels.any? end params '~label1 ~"label 2"' types Issuable condition do quick_action_target.persisted? && quick_action_target.labels.any? && current_user.can?(:"admin_#{quick_action_target.to_ability_name}", parent) end command :relabel do |labels_param| run_label_command(labels: find_labels(labels_param), command: :relabel, updates_key: :label_ids) end desc _('Add a To Do') explanation _('Adds a To Do.') execution_message _('Added a To Do.') types Issuable condition do quick_action_target.persisted? && !TodoService.new.todo_exist?(quick_action_target, current_user) end command :todo do @updates[:todo_event] = 'add' end desc _('Mark To Do as done') explanation _('Marks To Do as done.') execution_message _('Marked To Do as done.') types Issuable condition do quick_action_target.persisted? && TodoService.new.todo_exist?(quick_action_target, current_user) end command :done do @updates[:todo_event] = 'done' end desc _('Subscribe') explanation do _('Subscribes to this %{quick_action_target}.') % { quick_action_target: quick_action_target.to_ability_name.humanize(capitalize: false) } end execution_message do _('Subscribed to this %{quick_action_target}.') % { quick_action_target: quick_action_target.to_ability_name.humanize(capitalize: false) } end types Issuable condition do quick_action_target.persisted? && !quick_action_target.subscribed?(current_user, project) end command :subscribe do @updates[:subscription_event] = 'subscribe' end desc _('Unsubscribe') explanation do _('Unsubscribes from this %{quick_action_target}.') % { quick_action_target: quick_action_target.to_ability_name.humanize(capitalize: false) } end execution_message do _('Unsubscribed from this %{quick_action_target}.') % { quick_action_target: quick_action_target.to_ability_name.humanize(capitalize: false) } end types Issuable condition do quick_action_target.persisted? && quick_action_target.subscribed?(current_user, project) end command :unsubscribe do @updates[:subscription_event] = 'unsubscribe' end desc _('Toggle emoji award') explanation do |name| _("Toggles :%{name}: emoji award.") % { name: name } if name end execution_message do |name| _("Toggled :%{name}: emoji award.") % { name: name } if name end params ':emoji:' types Issuable condition do quick_action_target.persisted? end parse_params do |emoji_param| match = emoji_param.match(Banzai::Filter::EmojiFilter.emoji_pattern) match[1] if match end command :award do |name| if name && quick_action_target.user_can_award?(current_user) @updates[:emoji_award] = name end end desc _("Append the comment with %{shrug}") % { shrug: SHRUG } params '' types Issuable substitution :shrug do |comment| "#{comment} #{SHRUG}" end desc _("Append the comment with %{TABLEFLIP}") % { tableflip: TABLEFLIP } params '' types Issuable substitution :tableflip do |comment| "#{comment} #{TABLEFLIP}" end private def run_label_command(labels:, command:, updates_key:) return if labels.empty? @updates[updates_key] ||= [] @updates[updates_key] += labels.map(&:id) @updates[updates_key].uniq! label_references = labels_to_reference(labels, :name) @execution_message[command] = case command when :relabel _('Replaced all labels with %{label_references} %{label_text}.') % { label_references: label_references.join(' '), label_text: 'label'.pluralize(label_references.count) } when :label _('Added %{label_references} %{label_text}.') % { label_references: label_references.join(' '), label_text: 'label'.pluralize(labels.count) } end end def remove_label_message(label_references) if label_references.any? _("Removed %{label_references} %{label_text}.") % { label_references: label_references.join(' '), label_text: 'label'.pluralize(label_references.count) } else _('Removed all labels.') end end end end end end