/* eslint-disable comma-dangle */ /* global boardsMockInterceptor */ /* global BoardService */ /* global List */ /* global ListIssue */ /* global listObj */ /* global listObjDuplicate */ import Vue from 'vue'; require('~/lib/utils/url_utility'); require('~/boards/models/issue'); require('~/boards/models/label'); require('~/boards/models/list'); require('~/boards/models/user'); require('~/boards/services/board_service'); require('~/boards/stores/boards_store'); require('./mock_data'); describe('List model', () => { let list; beforeEach(() => { Vue.http.interceptors.push(boardsMockInterceptor); gl.boardService = new BoardService('/test/issue-boards/board', '', '1'); gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore.create(); list = new List(listObj); }); afterEach(() => { Vue.http.interceptors = _.without(Vue.http.interceptors, boardsMockInterceptor); }); it('gets issues when created', (done) => { setTimeout(() => { expect(list.issues.length).toBe(1); done(); }, 0); }); it('saves list and returns ID', (done) => { list = new List({ title: 'test', label: { id: _.random(10000), title: 'test', color: 'red' } }); list.save(); setTimeout(() => { expect(list.id).toBe(listObj.id); expect(list.type).toBe('label'); expect(list.position).toBe(0); done(); }, 0); }); it('destroys the list', (done) => { gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore.addList(listObj); list = gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore.findList('id', listObj.id); expect(gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore.state.lists.length).toBe(1); list.destroy(); setTimeout(() => { expect(gl.issueBoards.BoardsStore.state.lists.length).toBe(0); done(); }, 0); }); it('gets issue from list', (done) => { setTimeout(() => { const issue = list.findIssue(1); expect(issue).toBeDefined(); done(); }, 0); }); it('removes issue', (done) => { setTimeout(() => { const issue = list.findIssue(1); expect(list.issues.length).toBe(1); list.removeIssue(issue); expect(list.issues.length).toBe(0); done(); }, 0); }); it('sends service request to update issue label', () => { const listDup = new List(listObjDuplicate); const issue = new ListIssue({ title: 'Testing', iid: _.random(10000), confidential: false, labels: [list.label, listDup.label] }); list.issues.push(issue); listDup.issues.push(issue); spyOn(gl.boardService, 'moveIssue').and.callThrough(); listDup.updateIssueLabel(issue, list); expect(gl.boardService.moveIssue) .toHaveBeenCalledWith(issue.id, list.id, listDup.id, undefined, undefined); }); describe('page number', () => { beforeEach(() => { spyOn(list, 'getIssues'); }); it('increase page number if current issue count is more than the page size', () => { for (let i = 0; i < 30; i+=1) { list.issues.push(new ListIssue({ title: 'Testing', iid: _.random(10000) + i, confidential: false, labels: [list.label] })); } list.issuesSize = 50; expect(list.issues.length).toBe(30); list.nextPage(); expect(list.page).toBe(2); expect(list.getIssues).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); it('does not increase page number if issue count is less than the page size', () => { list.issues.push(new ListIssue({ title: 'Testing', iid: _.random(10000), confidential: false, labels: [list.label] })); list.issuesSize = 2; list.nextPage(); expect(list.page).toBe(1); expect(list.getIssues).toHaveBeenCalled(); }); }); });