class DeployToken < ActiveRecord::Base include Expirable include TokenAuthenticatable add_authentication_token_field :token AVAILABLE_SCOPES = %i(read_repository read_registry).freeze has_many :project_deploy_tokens, inverse_of: :deploy_token has_many :projects, through: :project_deploy_tokens validate :ensure_at_least_one_scope before_save :ensure_token accepts_nested_attributes_for :project_deploy_tokens scope :active, -> { where("revoked = false AND (expires_at >= NOW() OR expires_at IS NULL)") } scope :read_repository, -> { where(read_repository: true) } scope :read_registry, -> { where(read_registry: true) } def revoke! update!(revoked: true) end def active? !revoked end def scopes { |token_scope| send("#{token_scope}") } # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end def username "gitlab+deploy-token-#{id}" end def has_access_to?(requested_project) project == requested_project end def project projects.first end private def ensure_at_least_one_scope errors.add(:base, "Scopes can't be blank") unless read_repository || read_registry end end