# frozen_string_literal: true class ApplicationExperiment < Gitlab::Experiment # rubocop:disable Gitlab/NamespacedClass def enabled? return false if Feature::Definition.get(feature_flag_name).nil? # there has to be a feature flag yaml file return false unless Gitlab.dev_env_or_com? # we have to be in an environment that allows experiments # the feature flag has to be rolled out Feature.get(feature_flag_name).state != :off # rubocop:disable Gitlab/AvoidFeatureGet end def publish(_result = nil) super publish_to_client publish_to_database if @record end def publish_to_client return unless should_track? Gon.push({ experiment: { name => signature } }, true) rescue NoMethodError # means we're not in the request cycle, and can't add to Gon. Log a warning maybe? end def publish_to_database return unless should_track? # if the context contains a namespace, group, project, user, or actor value = context.value subject = value[:namespace] || value[:group] || value[:project] || value[:user] || value[:actor] return unless ExperimentSubject.valid_subject?(subject) variant_name = :experimental if variant&.name != 'control' Experiment.add_subject(name, variant: variant_name || :control, subject: subject) end def record! @record = true end def control_behavior # define a default nil control behavior so we can omit it when not needed end # TODO: remove # This is deprecated logic as of v0.6.0 and should eventually be removed, but # needs to stay intact for actively running experiments. The new strategy # utilizes Digest::SHA2, a secret seed, and generates a 64-byte string. def key_for(source, seed = name) source = source.keys + source.values if source.is_a?(Hash) ingredients = Array(source).map { |v| identify(v) } ingredients.unshift(seed) Digest::MD5.hexdigest(ingredients.join('|')) end def nest_experiment(other) instance_exec(:nested, { label: other.name }, &Configuration.tracking_behavior) end private def feature_flag_name name.tr('/', '_') end def experiment_group? Feature.enabled?(feature_flag_name, self, type: :experiment, default_enabled: :yaml) end end