require 'spec_helper' describe Gitlab::GitAccess, lib: true do let(:access) {, project, 'web', authentication_abilities: authentication_abilities) } let(:project) { create(:project, :repository) } let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:actor) { user } let(:authentication_abilities) do [ :read_project, :download_code, :push_code ] end describe '#check with single protocols allowed' do def disable_protocol(protocol) settings = ::ApplicationSetting.create_from_defaults settings.update_attribute(:enabled_git_access_protocol, protocol) end context 'ssh disabled' do before do disable_protocol('ssh') @acc =, project, 'ssh', authentication_abilities: authentication_abilities) end it 'blocks ssh git push' do expect(@acc.check('git-receive-pack', '_any').allowed?).to be_falsey end it 'blocks ssh git pull' do expect(@acc.check('git-upload-pack', '_any').allowed?).to be_falsey end end context 'http disabled' do before do disable_protocol('http') @acc =, project, 'http', authentication_abilities: authentication_abilities) end it 'blocks http push' do expect(@acc.check('git-receive-pack', '_any').allowed?).to be_falsey end it 'blocks http git pull' do expect(@acc.check('git-upload-pack', '_any').allowed?).to be_falsey end end end describe '#check_download_access!' do subject { access.check('git-upload-pack', '_any') } describe 'master permissions' do before { << [user, :master] } context 'pull code' do it { expect(subject.allowed?).to be_truthy } end end describe 'guest permissions' do before { << [user, :guest] } context 'pull code' do it { expect(subject.allowed?).to be_falsey } it { expect(subject.message).to match(/You are not allowed to download code/) } end end describe 'blocked user' do before do << [user, :master] user.block end context 'pull code' do it { expect(subject.allowed?).to be_falsey } it { expect(subject.message).to match(/Your account has been blocked/) } end end describe 'without access to project' do context 'pull code' do it { expect(subject.allowed?).to be_falsey } end context 'when project is public' do let(:public_project) { create(:project, :public, :repository) } let(:guest_access) {, public_project, 'web', authentication_abilities: []) } subject { guest_access.check('git-upload-pack', '_any') } context 'when repository is enabled' do it 'give access to download code' do expect(subject.allowed?).to be_truthy end end context 'when repository is disabled' do it 'does not give access to download code' do public_project.project_feature.update_attribute(:repository_access_level, ProjectFeature::DISABLED) expect(subject.allowed?).to be_falsey expect(subject.message).to match(/You are not allowed to download code/) end end end end describe 'deploy key permissions' do let(:key) { create(:deploy_key, user: user) } let(:actor) { key } context 'pull code' do context 'when project is authorized' do before { key.projects << project } it { expect(subject).to be_allowed } end context 'when unauthorized' do context 'from public project' do let(:project) { create(:project, :public, :repository) } it { expect(subject).to be_allowed } end context 'from internal project' do let(:project) { create(:project, :internal, :repository) } it { expect(subject).not_to be_allowed } end context 'from private project' do let(:project) { create(:project, :private, :repository) } it { expect(subject).not_to be_allowed } end end end end describe 'build authentication_abilities permissions' do let(:authentication_abilities) { build_authentication_abilities } describe 'owner' do let(:project) { create(:project, :repository, namespace: user.namespace) } context 'pull code' do it { expect(subject).to be_allowed } end end describe 'reporter user' do before { << [user, :reporter] } context 'pull code' do it { expect(subject).to be_allowed } end end describe 'admin user' do let(:user) { create(:admin) } context 'when member of the project' do before { << [user, :reporter] } context 'pull code' do it { expect(subject).to be_allowed } end end context 'when is not member of the project' do context 'pull code' do it { expect(subject).not_to be_allowed } end end end end end describe '#check_push_access!' do before { merge_into_protected_branch } let(:unprotected_branch) { FFaker::Internet.user_name } let(:changes) do { push_new_branch: "#{Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA} 570e7b2ab refs/heads/wow", push_master: '6f6d7e7ed 570e7b2ab refs/heads/master', push_protected_branch: '6f6d7e7ed 570e7b2ab refs/heads/feature', push_remove_protected_branch: "570e7b2ab #{Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA} "\ 'refs/heads/feature', push_tag: '6f6d7e7ed 570e7b2ab refs/tags/v1.0.0', push_new_tag: "#{Gitlab::Git::BLANK_SHA} 570e7b2ab refs/tags/v7.8.9", push_all: ['6f6d7e7ed 570e7b2ab refs/heads/master', '6f6d7e7ed 570e7b2ab refs/heads/feature'], merge_into_protected_branch: "0b4bc9a #{merge_into_protected_branch} refs/heads/feature" } end def stub_git_hooks # Running the `pre-receive` hook is expensive, and not necessary for this test. allow_any_instance_of(GitHooksService).to receive(:execute).and_yield end def merge_into_protected_branch @protected_branch_merge_commit ||= begin stub_git_hooks project.repository.add_branch(user, unprotected_branch, 'feature') target_branch = project.repository.lookup('feature') source_branch = project.repository.commit_file( user, FFaker::InternetSE.login_user_name, FFaker::HipsterIpsum.paragraph, message: FFaker::HipsterIpsum.sentence, branch_name: unprotected_branch, update: false) rugged = project.repository.rugged author = { email: "", time:, name: "Example Git User" } merge_index = rugged.merge_commits(target_branch, source_branch) Rugged::Commit.create(rugged, author: author, committer: author, message: "commit message", parents: [target_branch, source_branch], tree: merge_index.write_tree(rugged)) end end # Run permission checks for a user def self.run_permission_checks(permissions_matrix) permissions_matrix.keys.each do |role| describe "#{role} access" do before do if role == :admin user.update_attribute(:admin, true) else << [user, role] end permissions_matrix[role].each do |action, allowed| context action do subject { access.send(:check_push_access!, changes[action]) } it { expect(subject.allowed?).to allowed ? be_truthy : be_falsey } end end end end end end permissions_matrix = { admin: { push_new_branch: true, push_master: true, push_protected_branch: true, push_remove_protected_branch: false, push_tag: true, push_new_tag: true, push_all: true, merge_into_protected_branch: true }, master: { push_new_branch: true, push_master: true, push_protected_branch: true, push_remove_protected_branch: false, push_tag: true, push_new_tag: true, push_all: true, merge_into_protected_branch: true }, developer: { push_new_branch: true, push_master: true, push_protected_branch: false, push_remove_protected_branch: false, push_tag: false, push_new_tag: true, push_all: false, merge_into_protected_branch: false }, reporter: { push_new_branch: false, push_master: false, push_protected_branch: false, push_remove_protected_branch: false, push_tag: false, push_new_tag: false, push_all: false, merge_into_protected_branch: false }, guest: { push_new_branch: false, push_master: false, push_protected_branch: false, push_remove_protected_branch: false, push_tag: false, push_new_tag: false, push_all: false, merge_into_protected_branch: false } } [['feature', 'exact'], ['feat*', 'wildcard']].each do |protected_branch_name, protected_branch_type| context do before { create(:protected_branch, name: protected_branch_name, project: project) } run_permission_checks(permissions_matrix) end context "when developers are allowed to push into the #{protected_branch_type} protected branch" do before { create(:protected_branch, :developers_can_push, name: protected_branch_name, project: project) } run_permission_checks(permissions_matrix.deep_merge(developer: { push_protected_branch: true, push_all: true, merge_into_protected_branch: true })) end context "developers are allowed to merge into the #{protected_branch_type} protected branch" do before { create(:protected_branch, :developers_can_merge, name: protected_branch_name, project: project) } context "when a merge request exists for the given source/target branch" do context "when the merge request is in progress" do before do create(:merge_request, source_project: project, source_branch: unprotected_branch, target_branch: 'feature', state: 'locked', in_progress_merge_commit_sha: merge_into_protected_branch) end run_permission_checks(permissions_matrix.deep_merge(developer: { merge_into_protected_branch: true })) end context "when the merge request is not in progress" do before do create(:merge_request, source_project: project, source_branch: unprotected_branch, target_branch: 'feature', in_progress_merge_commit_sha: nil) end run_permission_checks(permissions_matrix.deep_merge(developer: { merge_into_protected_branch: false })) end context "when a merge request does not exist for the given source/target branch" do run_permission_checks(permissions_matrix.deep_merge(developer: { merge_into_protected_branch: false })) end end end context "when developers are allowed to push and merge into the #{protected_branch_type} protected branch" do before { create(:protected_branch, :developers_can_merge, :developers_can_push, name: protected_branch_name, project: project) } run_permission_checks(permissions_matrix.deep_merge(developer: { push_protected_branch: true, push_all: true, merge_into_protected_branch: true })) end context "when no one is allowed to push to the #{protected_branch_name} protected branch" do before { create(:protected_branch, :no_one_can_push, name: protected_branch_name, project: project) } run_permission_checks(permissions_matrix.deep_merge(developer: { push_protected_branch: false, push_all: false, merge_into_protected_branch: false }, master: { push_protected_branch: false, push_all: false, merge_into_protected_branch: false }, admin: { push_protected_branch: false, push_all: false, merge_into_protected_branch: false })) end end end shared_examples 'pushing code' do |can| subject { access.check('git-receive-pack', '_any') } context 'when project is authorized' do before { authorize } it { expect(subject).public_send(can, be_allowed) } end context 'when unauthorized' do context 'to public project' do let(:project) { create(:project, :public, :repository) } it { expect(subject).not_to be_allowed } end context 'to internal project' do let(:project) { create(:project, :internal, :repository) } it { expect(subject).not_to be_allowed } end context 'to private project' do let(:project) { create(:project, :private, :repository) } it { expect(subject).not_to be_allowed } end end end describe 'build authentication abilities' do let(:authentication_abilities) { build_authentication_abilities } it_behaves_like 'pushing code', :not_to do def authorize << [user, :reporter] end end end describe 'deploy key permissions' do let(:key) { create(:deploy_key, user: user, can_push: can_push) } let(:actor) { key } context 'when deploy_key can push' do let(:can_push) { true } it_behaves_like 'pushing code', :to do def authorize key.projects << project end end end context 'when deploy_key cannot push' do let(:can_push) { false } it_behaves_like 'pushing code', :not_to do def authorize key.projects << project end end end end private def build_authentication_abilities [ :read_project, :build_download_code ] end def full_authentication_abilities [ :read_project, :download_code, :push_code ] end end