class SessionsController < Devise::SessionsController include AuthenticatesWithTwoFactor prepend_before_action :authenticate_with_two_factor, only: [:create] before_action :auto_sign_in_with_provider, only: [:new] def new redirect_path = if request.referer.present? && (params['redirect_to_referer'] == 'yes') referer_uri = URI(request.referer) if == referer_uri.path else request.fullpath end else request.fullpath end # Prevent a 'you are already signed in' message directly after signing: # we should never redirect to '/users/sign_in' after signing in successfully. unless redirect_path == new_user_session_path store_location_for(:redirect, redirect_path) end if Gitlab.config.ldap.enabled @ldap_servers = Gitlab::LDAP::Config.servers end super end def create super do |resource| # User has successfully signed in, so clear any unused reset token if resource.reset_password_token.present? resource.update_attributes(reset_password_token: nil, reset_password_sent_at: nil) end authenticated_with = user_params[:otp_attempt] ? "two-factor" : "standard" log_audit_event(current_user, with: authenticated_with) end end private def user_params params.require(:user).permit(:login, :password, :remember_me, :otp_attempt) end def find_user if user_params[:login] User.by_login(user_params[:login]) elsif user_params[:otp_attempt] && session[:otp_user_id] User.find(session[:otp_user_id]) end end def authenticate_with_two_factor user = self.resource = find_user return unless user && user.two_factor_enabled? if user_params[:otp_attempt].present? && session[:otp_user_id] if valid_otp_attempt?(user) # Remove any lingering user data from login session.delete(:otp_user_id) sign_in(user) and return else[:alert] = 'Invalid two-factor code.' render :two_factor and return end else if user && user.valid_password?(user_params[:password]) prompt_for_two_factor(user) end end end def auto_sign_in_with_provider provider = Gitlab.config.omniauth.auto_sign_in_with_provider return unless provider.present? # Auto sign in with an Omniauth provider only if the standard "you need to sign-in" alert is # registered or no alert at all. In case of another alert (such as a blocked user), it is safer # to do nothing to prevent redirection loops with certain Omniauth providers. return unless flash[:alert].blank? || flash[:alert] == I18n.t('devise.failure.unauthenticated') # Prevent alert from popping up on the first page shown after authentication. flash[:alert] = nil redirect_to user_omniauth_authorize_path(provider.to_sym) end def valid_otp_attempt?(user) user.valid_otp?(user_params[:otp_attempt]) || user.invalidate_otp_backup_code!(user_params[:otp_attempt]) end def log_audit_event(user, options = {}), user, options). for_authentication.security_event end end