# frozen_string_literal: true # rubocop:disable Rails/RakeEnvironment unless Rails.env.production? require 'rubocop/rake_task' RuboCop::RakeTask.new namespace :rubocop do namespace :todo do desc 'Generate RuboCop todos' task :generate do |_task, args| require 'rubocop' require 'active_support/inflector/inflections' require_relative '../../rubocop/todo_dir' require_relative '../../rubocop/formatter/todo_formatter' # Reveal all pending TODOs so RuboCop can pick them up and report # during scan. ENV['REVEAL_RUBOCOP_TODO'] = '1' # Save cop configuration like `RSpec/ContextWording` into # `rspec/context_wording.yml` and not into # `r_spec/context_wording.yml`. ActiveSupport::Inflector.inflections(:en) do |inflect| inflect.acronym 'RSpec' inflect.acronym 'GraphQL' end options = %w[ --parallel --format RuboCop::Formatter::TodoFormatter ] # Convert from Rake::TaskArguments into an Array to make `any?` work as # expected. cop_names = args.to_a todo_dir = RuboCop::TodoDir.new(RuboCop::TodoDir::DEFAULT_TODO_DIR) if cop_names.any? # We are sorting the cop names to benefit from RuboCop cache which # also takes passed parameters into account. list = cop_names.sort.join(',') options.concat ['--only', list] cop_names.each { |cop_name| todo_dir.inspect(cop_name) } else todo_dir.inspect_all end puts <<~MSG Generating RuboCop TODOs with: rubocop #{options.join(' ')} This might take a while... MSG RuboCop::CLI.new.run(options) todo_dir.delete_inspected end end end end # rubocop:enable Rails/RakeEnvironment