module Gitlab module Satellite class Action DEFAULT_OPTIONS = { git_timeout: Gitlab.config.satellites.timeout.seconds } attr_accessor :options, :project, :user def initialize(user, project, options = {}) @options = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.merge(options) @project = project @user = user end protected # * Sets a 30s timeout for Git # * Locks the satellite repo # * Yields the prepared satellite repo def in_locked_and_timed_satellite Gitlab::ShellEnv.set_env(user) Grit::Git.with_timeout(options[:git_timeout]) do project.satellite.lock do return yield project.satellite.repo end end rescue Errno::ENOMEM => ex return handle_exception(ex) rescue Grit::Git::GitTimeout => ex return handle_exception(ex) ensure Gitlab::ShellEnv.reset_env end # * Recreates the satellite # * Sets up Git variables for the user # # Note: use this within #in_locked_and_timed_satellite def prepare_satellite!(repo) project.satellite.clear_and_update! repo.config[''] = repo.config[''] = end def default_options(options = {}) { raise: true, timeout: true }.merge(options) end def handle_exception(exception) Gitlab::GitLogger.error(exception.message) false end end end end