class Redcarpet::Render::GitlabHTML < Redcarpet::Render::HTML attr_reader :template alias_method :h, :template def initialize(template, options = {}) @template = template @project = @template.instance_variable_get("@project") @options = options.dup super options end # If project has issue number 39, apostrophe will be linked in # regular text to the issue as Redcarpet will convert apostrophe to # #39; # We replace apostrophe with right single quote before Redcarpet # does the processing and put the apostrophe back in postprocessing. # This only influences regular text, code blocks are untouched. def normal_text(text) return text unless text.present? text.gsub("'", "’") end # Stolen from Rugments::Plugins::Redcarpet as this module is not required # from Rugments's gem root. def block_code(code, language) lexer = Rugments::Lexer.find_fancy(language, code) || Rugments::Lexers::PlainText # XXX HACK: Redcarpet strips hard tabs out of code blocks, # so we assume you're not using leading spaces that aren't tabs, # and just replace them here. if lexer.tag == 'make' code.gsub! /^ /, "\t" end formatter = cssclass: "code highlight white #{lexer.tag}" ) formatter.format(lexer.lex(code)) end def link(link, title, content) h.link_to_gfm(content, link, title: title) end def header(text, level) if @options[:no_header_anchors] "#{text}" else id = ActionController::Base.helpers.strip_tags(h.gfm(text)).downcase() \ .gsub(/[^a-z0-9_-]/, '-').gsub(/-+/, '-').gsub(/^-/, '').gsub(/-$/, '') "#{text}" end end def postprocess(full_document) full_document.gsub!("’", "'") unless @template.instance_variable_get("@project_wiki") || @project.nil? full_document = h.create_relative_links(full_document) end if @options[:parse_tasks] h.gfm_with_tasks(full_document) else h.gfm(full_document) end end end