# An InternalId is a strictly monotone sequence of integers # generated for a given scope and usage. # # For example, issues use their project to scope internal ids: # In that sense, scope is "project" and usage is "issues". # Generated internal ids for an issue are unique per project. # # See InternalId#usage enum for available usages. # # In order to leverage InternalId for other usages, the idea is to # * Add `usage` value to enum # * (Optionally) add columns to `internal_ids` if needed for scope. class InternalId < ActiveRecord::Base belongs_to :project belongs_to :namespace enum usage: { issues: 0, merge_requests: 1, deployments: 2, milestones: 3, epics: 4 } validates :usage, presence: true REQUIRED_SCHEMA_VERSION = 20180305095250 # Increments #last_value and saves the record # # The operation locks the record and gathers a `ROW SHARE` lock (in PostgreSQL). # As such, the increment is atomic and safe to be called concurrently. # # If a `maximum_iid` is passed in, this overrides the incremented value if it's # greater than that. This can be used to correct the increment value if necessary. def increment_and_save!(maximum_iid) lock! self.last_value = [(last_value || 0) + 1, (maximum_iid || 0) + 1].max save! last_value end class << self def generate_next(subject, scope, usage, init) # Shortcut if `internal_ids` table is not available (yet) # This can be the case in other (unrelated) migration specs return (init.call(subject) || 0) + 1 unless available? InternalIdGenerator.new(subject, scope, usage, init).generate end def available? @available_flag ||= ActiveRecord::Migrator.current_version >= REQUIRED_SCHEMA_VERSION # rubocop:disable Gitlab/PredicateMemoization end # Flushes cached information about schema def reset_column_information @available_flag = nil super end end class InternalIdGenerator # Generate next internal id for a given scope and usage. # # For currently supported usages, see #usage enum. # # The method implements a locking scheme that has the following properties: # 1) Generated sequence of internal ids is unique per (scope and usage) # 2) The method is thread-safe and may be used in concurrent threads/processes. # 3) The generated sequence is gapless. # 4) In the absence of a record in the internal_ids table, one will be created # and last_value will be calculated on the fly. # # subject: The instance we're generating an internal id for. Gets passed to init if called. # scope: Attributes that define the scope for id generation. # usage: Symbol to define the usage of the internal id, see InternalId.usages # init: Block that gets called to initialize InternalId record if not present # Make sure to not throw exceptions in the absence of records (if this is expected). attr_reader :subject, :scope, :init, :scope_attrs, :usage def initialize(subject, scope, usage, init) @subject = subject @scope = scope @init = init @usage = usage raise ArgumentError, 'Scope is not well-defined, need at least one column for scope (given: 0)' if scope.empty? unless InternalId.usages.has_key?(usage.to_s) raise ArgumentError, "Usage '#{usage}' is unknown. Supported values are #{InternalId.usages.keys} from InternalId.usages" end end # Generates next internal id and returns it def generate subject.transaction do # Create a record in internal_ids if one does not yet exist # and increment its last value # # Note this will acquire a ROW SHARE lock on the InternalId record # Note we always calculate the maximum iid present here and # pass it in to correct the InternalId entry if it's last_value is off. # # This can happen in a transition phase where both `AtomicInternalId` and # `NonatomicInternalId` code runs (e.g. during a deploy). # # This is subject to be cleaned up with the 10.8 release: # https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues/45389. (lookup || create_record).increment_and_save!(maximum_iid) end end private # Retrieve InternalId record for (project, usage) combination, if it exists def lookup InternalId.find_by(**scope, usage: usage_value) end def usage_value @usage_value ||= InternalId.usages[usage.to_s] end # Create InternalId record for (scope, usage) combination, if it doesn't exist # # We blindly insert without synchronization. If another process # was faster in doing this, we'll realize once we hit the unique key constraint # violation. We can safely roll-back the nested transaction and perform # a lookup instead to retrieve the record. def create_record subject.transaction(requires_new: true) do InternalId.create!( **scope, usage: usage_value, last_value: maximum_iid ) end rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotUnique lookup end def maximum_iid @maximum_iid ||= init.call(subject) || 0 end end end