class Profiles::PasswordsController < ApplicationController layout :determine_layout skip_before_filter :check_password_expiration, only: [:new, :create] before_filter :set_user before_filter :set_title before_filter :authorize_change_password! def new end def create new_password = params[:user][:password] new_password_confirmation = params[:user][:password_confirmation] result = @user.update_attributes( password: new_password, password_confirmation: new_password_confirmation ) if result @user.update_attributes(password_expires_at: nil) redirect_to root_path, notice: 'Password successfully changed' else render :new end end def edit end def update password_attributes = params[:user].select do |key, value| %w(password password_confirmation).include?(key.to_s) end unless @user.valid_password?(params[:user][:current_password]) redirect_to edit_profile_password_path, alert: 'You must provide a valid current password' return end if @user.update_attributes(password_attributes) flash[:notice] = "Password was successfully updated. Please login with it" redirect_to new_user_session_path else render 'edit' end end def reset current_user.send_reset_password_instructions redirect_to edit_profile_password_path, notice: 'We sent you an email with reset password instructions' end private def set_user @user = current_user end def set_title @title = "New password" end def determine_layout if [:new, :create].include?(action_name.to_sym) 'navless' else 'profile' end end def authorize_change_password! return render_404 if @user.ldap_user? end end