require 'mime/types' module API # Projects API class Branches < Grape::API before { authenticate! } before { authorize! :download_code, user_project } resource :projects do # Get a project repository branches # # Parameters: # id (required) - The ID of a project # Example Request: # GET /projects/:id/repository/branches get ":id/repository/branches" do branches = user_project.repository.branches.sort_by(&:name) present branches, with: Entities::RepoBranch, project: user_project end # Get a single branch # # Parameters: # id (required) - The ID of a project # branch (required) - The name of the branch # Example Request: # GET /projects/:id/repository/branches/:branch get ':id/repository/branches/:branch', requirements: { branch: /.+/ } do @branch = user_project.repository.branches.find { |item| == params[:branch] } not_found!("Branch") unless @branch present @branch, with: Entities::RepoBranch, project: user_project end # Protect a single branch # # Note: The internal data model moved from `developers_can_{merge,push}` to `allowed_to_{merge,push}` # in `gitlab-org/gitlab-ce!5081`. The API interface has not been changed (to maintain compatibility), # but it works with the changed data model to infer `developers_can_merge` and `developers_can_push`. # # Parameters: # id (required) - The ID of a project # branch (required) - The name of the branch # developers_can_push (optional) - Flag if developers can push to that branch # developers_can_merge (optional) - Flag if developers can merge to that branch # Example Request: # PUT /projects/:id/repository/branches/:branch/protect put ':id/repository/branches/:branch/protect', requirements: { branch: /.+/ } do authorize_admin_project @branch = user_project.repository.find_branch(params[:branch]) not_found!('Branch') unless @branch protected_branch = user_project.protected_branches.find_by(name: developers_can_merge = to_boolean(params[:developers_can_merge]) developers_can_push = to_boolean(params[:developers_can_push]) protected_branch_params = { name: } unless developers_can_merge.nil? protected_branch_params.merge!({ merge_access_level_attributes: { access_level: developers_can_merge ? Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER : Gitlab::Access::MASTER } }) end unless developers_can_push.nil? protected_branch_params.merge!({ push_access_level_attributes: { access_level: developers_can_push ? Gitlab::Access::DEVELOPER : Gitlab::Access::MASTER } }) end if protected_branch service =, current_user, protected_branch_params) service.execute(protected_branch) else service =, current_user, protected_branch_params) service.execute end present @branch, with: Entities::RepoBranch, project: user_project end # Unprotect a single branch # # Parameters: # id (required) - The ID of a project # branch (required) - The name of the branch # Example Request: # PUT /projects/:id/repository/branches/:branch/unprotect put ':id/repository/branches/:branch/unprotect', requirements: { branch: /.+/ } do authorize_admin_project @branch = user_project.repository.find_branch(params[:branch]) not_found!("Branch") unless @branch protected_branch = user_project.protected_branches.find_by(name: protected_branch.destroy if protected_branch present @branch, with: Entities::RepoBranch, project: user_project end # Create branch # # Parameters: # id (required) - The ID of a project # branch_name (required) - The name of the branch # ref (required) - Create branch from commit sha or existing branch # Example Request: # POST /projects/:id/repository/branches post ":id/repository/branches" do authorize_push_project result =, current_user). execute(params[:branch_name], params[:ref]) if result[:status] == :success present result[:branch], with: Entities::RepoBranch, project: user_project else render_api_error!(result[:message], 400) end end # Delete branch # # Parameters: # id (required) - The ID of a project # branch (required) - The name of the branch # Example Request: # DELETE /projects/:id/repository/branches/:branch delete ":id/repository/branches/:branch", requirements: { branch: /.+/ } do authorize_push_project result =, current_user). execute(params[:branch]) if result[:status] == :success { branch_name: params[:branch] } else render_api_error!(result[:message], result[:return_code]) end end end end end