--- stage: Manage group: Authentication & Authorization info: To determine the technical writer assigned to the Stage/Group associated with this page, see https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/engineering/ux/technical-writing/#assignments --- # LDAP Rake tasks **(FREE SELF)** The following are LDAP-related Rake tasks. ## Check The LDAP check Rake task tests the `bind_dn` and `password` credentials (if configured) and lists a sample of LDAP users. This task is also executed as part of the `gitlab:check` task, but can run independently using the command below. **Omnibus Installation** ```shell sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:ldap:check ``` **Source Installation** ```shell sudo -u git -H bundle exec rake gitlab:ldap:check RAILS_ENV=production ``` By default, the task returns a sample of 100 LDAP users. Change this limit by passing a number to the check task: ```shell rake gitlab:ldap:check[50] ``` ## Run a group sync **(PREMIUM SELF)** > [Introduced](https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab/-/merge_requests/14735) in GitLab 12.2. The following task runs a [group sync](../auth/ldap/ldap_synchronization.md#group-sync) immediately. This is valuable when you'd like to update all configured group memberships against LDAP without waiting for the next scheduled group sync to be run. NOTE: If you'd like to change the frequency at which a group sync is performed, [adjust the cron schedule](../auth/ldap/ldap_synchronization.md#adjust-ldap-group-sync-schedule) instead. **Omnibus Installation** ```shell sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:ldap:group_sync ``` **Source Installation** ```shell bundle exec rake gitlab:ldap:group_sync ``` ## Rename a provider If you change the LDAP server ID in `gitlab.yml` or `gitlab.rb` you need to update all user identities or users aren't able to sign in. Input the old and new provider and this task updates all matching identities in the database. `old_provider` and `new_provider` are derived from the prefix `ldap` plus the LDAP server ID from the configuration file. For example, in `gitlab.yml` or `gitlab.rb` you may see LDAP configuration like this: ```yaml main: label: 'LDAP' host: '_your_ldap_server' port: 389 uid: 'sAMAccountName' ... ``` `main` is the LDAP server ID. Together, the unique provider is `ldapmain`. WARNING: If you input an incorrect new provider, users cannot sign in. If this happens, run the task again with the incorrect provider as the `old_provider` and the correct provider as the `new_provider`. **Omnibus Installation** ```shell sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:ldap:rename_provider[old_provider,new_provider] ``` **Source Installation** ```shell bundle exec rake gitlab:ldap:rename_provider[old_provider,new_provider] RAILS_ENV=production ``` ### Example Consider beginning with the default server ID `main` (full provider `ldapmain`). If we change `main` to `mycompany`, the `new_provider` is `ldapmycompany`. To rename all user identities run the following command: ```shell sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:ldap:rename_provider[ldapmain,ldapmycompany] ``` Example output: ```plaintext 100 users with provider 'ldapmain' will be updated to 'ldapmycompany'. If the new provider is incorrect, users will be unable to sign in. Do you want to continue (yes/no)? yes User identities were successfully updated ``` ### Other options If you do not specify an `old_provider` and `new_provider` the task prompts you for them: **Omnibus Installation** ```shell sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:ldap:rename_provider ``` **Source Installation** ```shell bundle exec rake gitlab:ldap:rename_provider RAILS_ENV=production ``` **Example output:** ```plaintext What is the old provider? Ex. 'ldapmain': ldapmain What is the new provider? Ex. 'ldapcustom': ldapmycompany ``` This task also accepts the `force` environment variable, which skips the confirmation dialog: ```shell sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:ldap:rename_provider[old_provider,new_provider] force=yes ``` ## Secrets GitLab can use [LDAP configuration secrets](../auth/ldap/index.md#use-encrypted-credentials) to read from an encrypted file. The following Rake tasks are provided for updating the contents of the encrypted file. ### Show secret Show the contents of the current LDAP secrets. **Omnibus Installation** ```shell sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:ldap:secret:show ``` **Source Installation** ```shell bundle exec rake gitlab:ldap:secret:show RAILS_ENV=production ``` **Example output:** ```plaintext main: password: '123' user_bn: 'gitlab-adm' ``` ### Edit secret Opens the secret contents in your editor, and writes the resulting content to the encrypted secret file when you exit. **Omnibus Installation** ```shell sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:ldap:secret:edit EDITOR=vim ``` **Source Installation** ```shell bundle exec rake gitlab:ldap:secret:edit RAILS_ENV=production EDITOR=vim ``` ### Write raw secret Write new secret content by providing it on STDIN. **Omnibus Installation** ```shell echo -e "main:\n password: '123'" | sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:ldap:secret:write ``` **Source Installation** ```shell echo -e "main:\n password: '123'" | bundle exec rake gitlab:ldap:secret:write RAILS_ENV=production ``` ### Secrets examples **Editor example** The write task can be used in cases where the edit command does not work with your editor: ```shell # Write the existing secret to a plaintext file sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:ldap:secret:show > ldap.yaml # Edit the ldap file in your editor ... # Re-encrypt the file cat ldap.yaml | sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:ldap:secret:write # Remove the plaintext file rm ldap.yaml ``` **KMS integration example** It can also be used as a receiving application for content encrypted with a KMS: ```shell gcloud kms decrypt --key my-key --keyring my-test-kms --plaintext-file=- --ciphertext-file=my-file --location=us-west1 | sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:ldap:secret:write ``` **Google Cloud secret integration example** It can also be used as a receiving application for secrets out of Google Cloud: ```shell gcloud secrets versions access latest --secret="my-test-secret" > $1 | sudo gitlab-rake gitlab:ldap:secret:write ```