/* eslint-disable func-names, wrap-iife, no-use-before-define, consistent-return, prefer-rest-params */ /* global Breakpoints */ import _ from 'underscore'; import { bytesToKiB } from './lib/utils/number_utils'; window.Build = (function () { Build.timeout = null; Build.state = null; function Build(options) { this.options = options || $('.js-build-options').data(); this.pageUrl = this.options.pageUrl; this.buildUrl = this.options.buildUrl; this.buildStatus = this.options.buildStatus; this.state = this.options.logState; this.buildStage = this.options.buildStage; this.$document = $(document); this.logBytes = 0; this.scrollOffsetPadding = 30; this.hasBeenScrolled = false; this.updateDropdown = this.updateDropdown.bind(this); this.getBuildTrace = this.getBuildTrace.bind(this); this.scrollToBottom = this.scrollToBottom.bind(this); this.$body = $('body'); this.$buildTrace = $('#build-trace'); this.$buildRefreshAnimation = $('.js-build-refresh'); this.$truncatedInfo = $('.js-truncated-info'); this.$buildTraceOutput = $('.js-build-output'); this.$scrollContainer = $('.js-scroll-container'); // Scroll controllers this.$scrollTopBtn = $('.js-scroll-up'); this.$scrollBottomBtn = $('.js-scroll-down'); clearTimeout(Build.timeout); // Init breakpoint checker this.bp = Breakpoints.get(); this.initSidebar(); this.populateJobs(this.buildStage); this.updateStageDropdownText(this.buildStage); this.sidebarOnResize(); this.$document .off('click', '.js-sidebar-build-toggle') .on('click', '.js-sidebar-build-toggle', this.sidebarOnClick.bind(this)); this.$document .off('click', '.stage-item') .on('click', '.stage-item', this.updateDropdown); // add event listeners to the scroll buttons this.$scrollTopBtn .off('click') .on('click', this.scrollToTop.bind(this)); this.$scrollBottomBtn .off('click') .on('click', this.scrollToBottom.bind(this)); const scrollThrottled = _.throttle(this.toggleScroll.bind(this), 100); this.$scrollContainer .off('scroll') .on('scroll', () => { this.hasBeenScrolled = true; scrollThrottled(); }); $(window) .off('resize.build') .on('resize.build', _.throttle(this.sidebarOnResize.bind(this), 100)); this.updateArtifactRemoveDate(); // eslint-disable-next-line this.getBuildTrace() .then(() => this.toggleScroll()) .then(() => { if (!this.hasBeenScrolled) { this.scrollToBottom(); } }); this.verifyTopPosition(); } Build.prototype.canScroll = function () { return (this.$scrollContainer.prop('scrollHeight') - this.scrollOffsetPadding) > this.$scrollContainer.height(); }; /** * | | Up | Down | * |--------------------------|----------|----------| * | on scroll bottom | active | disabled | * | on scroll top | disabled | active | * | no scroll | disabled | disabled | * | on.('scroll') is on top | disabled | active | * | on('scroll) is on bottom | active | disabled | * */ Build.prototype.toggleScroll = function () { const currentPosition = this.$scrollContainer.scrollTop(); const bottomScroll = currentPosition + this.$scrollContainer.innerHeight(); if (this.canScroll()) { if (currentPosition === 0) { this.toggleDisableButton(this.$scrollTopBtn, true); this.toggleDisableButton(this.$scrollBottomBtn, false); } else if (bottomScroll === this.$scrollContainer.prop('scrollHeight')) { this.toggleDisableButton(this.$scrollTopBtn, false); this.toggleDisableButton(this.$scrollBottomBtn, true); } else { this.toggleDisableButton(this.$scrollTopBtn, false); this.toggleDisableButton(this.$scrollBottomBtn, false); } } }; Build.prototype.scrollToTop = function () { this.hasBeenScrolled = true; this.$scrollContainer.scrollTop(0); this.toggleScroll(); }; Build.prototype.scrollToBottom = function () { this.hasBeenScrolled = true; this.$scrollContainer.scrollTop(this.$scrollContainer.prop('scrollHeight')); this.toggleScroll(); }; Build.prototype.toggleDisableButton = function ($button, disable) { if (disable && $button.prop('disabled')) return; $button.prop('disabled', disable); }; Build.prototype.toggleScrollAnimation = function (toggle) { this.$scrollBottomBtn.toggleClass('animate', toggle); }; /** * Build trace top position depends on the space ocupied by the elments rendered before */ Build.prototype.verifyTopPosition = function () { const $buildPage = $('.build-page'); const $header = $('.build-header', $buildPage); const $runnersStuck = $('.js-build-stuck', $buildPage); const $startsEnvironment = $('.js-environment-container', $buildPage); const $erased = $('.js-build-erased', $buildPage); let topPostion = 168; if ($header) { topPostion += $header.outerHeight(); } if ($runnersStuck) { topPostion += $runnersStuck.outerHeight(); } if ($startsEnvironment) { topPostion += $startsEnvironment.outerHeight(); } if ($erased) { topPostion += $erased.outerHeight() + 10; } this.$buildTrace.css({ top: topPostion, }); }; Build.prototype.initSidebar = function () { this.$sidebar = $('.js-build-sidebar'); this.$sidebar.niceScroll(); }; Build.prototype.getBuildTrace = function () { return $.ajax({ url: `${this.pageUrl}/trace.json`, data: this.state, }) .done((log) => { gl.utils.setCiStatusFavicon(`${this.pageUrl}/status.json`); if (log.state) { this.state = log.state; } if (log.append) { this.$buildTraceOutput.append(log.html); this.logBytes += log.size; } else { this.$buildTraceOutput.html(log.html); this.logBytes = log.size; } // if the incremental sum of logBytes we received is less than the total // we need to show a message warning the user about that. if (this.logBytes < log.total) { // size is in bytes, we need to calculate KiB const size = bytesToKiB(this.logBytes); $('.js-truncated-info-size').html(`${size}`); this.$truncatedInfo.removeClass('hidden'); } else { this.$truncatedInfo.addClass('hidden'); } if (!log.complete) { this.toggleScrollAnimation(true); Build.timeout = setTimeout(() => { //eslint-disable-next-line this.getBuildTrace() .then(() => { if (!this.hasBeenScrolled) { this.scrollToBottom(); } }); }, 4000); } else { this.$buildRefreshAnimation.remove(); this.toggleScrollAnimation(false); } if (log.status !== this.buildStatus) { gl.utils.visitUrl(this.pageUrl); } }) .fail(() => { this.$buildRefreshAnimation.remove(); }); }; Build.prototype.shouldHideSidebarForViewport = function () { const bootstrapBreakpoint = this.bp.getBreakpointSize(); return bootstrapBreakpoint === 'xs' || bootstrapBreakpoint === 'sm'; }; Build.prototype.toggleSidebar = function (shouldHide) { const shouldShow = typeof shouldHide === 'boolean' ? !shouldHide : undefined; this.$buildTrace .toggleClass('sidebar-expanded', shouldShow) .toggleClass('sidebar-collapsed', shouldHide); this.$sidebar .toggleClass('right-sidebar-expanded', shouldShow) .toggleClass('right-sidebar-collapsed', shouldHide); }; Build.prototype.sidebarOnResize = function () { this.toggleSidebar(this.shouldHideSidebarForViewport()); this.verifyTopPosition(); if (this.canScroll()) { this.toggleScroll(); } }; Build.prototype.sidebarOnClick = function () { if (this.shouldHideSidebarForViewport()) this.toggleSidebar(); }; Build.prototype.updateArtifactRemoveDate = function () { const $date = $('.js-artifacts-remove'); if ($date.length) { const date = $date.text(); return $date.text( gl.utils.timeFor(new Date(date.replace(/([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)/g, '$1/$2/$3')), ' '), ); } }; Build.prototype.populateJobs = function (stage) { $('.build-job').hide(); $(`.build-job[data-stage="${stage}"]`).show(); }; Build.prototype.updateStageDropdownText = function (stage) { $('.stage-selection').text(stage); }; Build.prototype.updateDropdown = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); const stage = e.currentTarget.text; this.updateStageDropdownText(stage); this.populateJobs(stage); }; return Build; })();