/* eslint-disable promise/catch-or-return */ import AxiosMockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; describe('axios_utils', () => { let mock; beforeEach(() => { mock = new AxiosMockAdapter(axios); mock.onAny('/ok').reply(200); mock.onAny('/err').reply(500); expect(axios.countActiveRequests()).toBe(0); }); afterEach(() => axios.waitForAll().finally(() => mock.restore())); describe('waitForAll', () => { it('resolves if there are no requests', () => axios.waitForAll()); it('waits for all requests to finish', () => { const handler = jest.fn(); axios.get('/ok').then(handler); axios.get('/err').catch(handler); return axios.waitForAll().finally(() => { expect(handler).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2); expect(handler.mock.calls[0][0].status).toBe(200); expect(handler.mock.calls[1][0].response.status).toBe(500); }); }); }); describe('waitFor', () => { it('waits for requests on a specific URL', () => { const handler = jest.fn(); axios.get('/ok').finally(handler); axios.waitFor('/err').finally(() => { throw new Error('waitFor on /err should not be called'); }); return axios.waitFor('/ok'); }); }); });