- return unless note.author - return if note.cross_reference_not_visible_for?(current_user) - show_image_comment_badge = local_assigns.fetch(:show_image_comment_badge, false) - note_editable = can?(current_user, :admin_note, note) - note_counter = local_assigns.fetch(:note_counter, 0) %li.timeline-entry{ id: dom_id(note), class: ["note", "note-row-#{note.id}", ('system-note' if note.system)], data: { author_id: note.author.id, editable: note_editable, note_id: note.id } } .timeline-entry-inner .timeline-icon - if note.system = icon_for_system_note(note) - else %a.image-diff-avatar-link{ href: user_path(note.author) } = image_tag avatar_icon_for_user(note.author), alt: '', class: 'avatar s40' - if note.is_a?(DiffNote) && note.on_image? - if show_image_comment_badge && note_counter == 0 -# Only show this for the first comment in the discussion %span.image-comment-badge = sprite_icon('image-comment-dark') - elsif note_counter == 0 - counter = badge_counter if local_assigns[:badge_counter] - badge_class = "hidden" if @fresh_discussion || counter.nil? %span.badge.badge-pill{ class: badge_class } = counter .timeline-content .note-header .note-header-info %a{ href: user_path(note.author) } %span.note-header-author-name = sanitize(note.author.name) = user_status(note.author) %span.note-headline-light = note.author.to_reference %span.note-headline-light %span.note-headline-meta - if note.system %span.system-note-message = markdown_field(note, :note) %span.system-note-separator · %a.system-note-separator{ href: "##{dom_id(note)}" }= time_ago_with_tooltip(note.created_at, placement: 'bottom', html_class: 'note-created-ago') - unless note.system? .note-actions - if note.for_personal_snippet? = render 'snippets/notes/actions', note: note, note_editable: note_editable - else = render 'projects/notes/actions', note: note, note_editable: note_editable .note-body{ class: note_editable ? 'js-task-list-container' : '' } .note-text.md = markdown_field(note, :note) = edited_time_ago_with_tooltip(note, placement: 'bottom', html_class: 'note_edited_ago') .original-note-content.hidden{ data: { post_url: note_url(note), target_id: note.noteable.id, target_type: note.noteable.class.name.underscore, markdown_version: note.cached_markdown_version } } #{note.note} - if note_editable = render 'shared/notes/edit', note: note .note-awards = render 'award_emoji/awards_block', awardable: note, inline: false - if note.system .system-note-commit-list-toggler.hide Toggle commit list %i.fa.fa-angle-down - if note.attachment.url .note-attachment - if note.attachment.image? = link_to note.attachment.url, target: '_blank' do = image_tag note.attachment.url, class: 'note-image-attach' .attachment = link_to note.attachment.url, target: '_blank' do = icon('paperclip') = note.attachment_identifier = link_to delete_attachment_project_note_path(note.project, note), title: 'Delete this attachment', method: :delete, remote: true, data: { confirm: 'Are you sure you want to remove the attachment?' }, class: 'danger js-note-attachment-delete' do = icon('trash-o', class: 'cred')