class Projects::GitHttpController < Projects::ApplicationController skip_before_action :repository before_action :authenticate_user before_action :project_found? # We support two actions (git push and git pull) which use four # different HTTP requests: # # - GET /foo/bar.git/info/refs?service=git-upload-pack (pull) # - GET /foo/bar.git/info/refs?service=git-receive-pack (push) # - POST /foo/bar.git/git-upload-pack (pull) # - POST /foo/bar.git/git-receive-pack" (push) # # The Rails routes divide these four requests over three methods: # info_refs, git_upload_pack, and git_receive_pack. def git_rpc if upload_pack? && upload_pack_allowed? render_ok elsif receive_pack? && receive_pack_allowed? render_ok else render_not_found end end %i{info_refs git_receive_pack git_upload_pack}.each do |method| alias_method method, :git_rpc end private def authenticate_user return if project && project.public? && upload_pack? authenticate_or_request_with_http_basic do |login, password| return @ci = true if ci_request?(login, password) @user =, password) @user ||= oauth_access_token_check(login, password) rate_limit_ip!(login, @user) end end def project_found? render_not_found if project.blank? end def ci_request?(login, password) matched_login = /(?^[a-zA-Z]*-ci)-token$/.match(login) if project && matched_login.present? && upload_pack? underscored_service = matched_login['s'].underscore if underscored_service == 'gitlab_ci' return project && project.valid_build_token?(password) elsif Service.available_services_names.include?(underscored_service) service_method = "#{underscored_service}_service" service = project.send(service_method) return service && service.activated? && service.valid_token?(password) end end false end def oauth_access_token_check(login, password) if login == "oauth2" && upload_pack? && password.present? token = Doorkeeper::AccessToken.by_token(password) token && token.accessible? && User.find_by(id: token.resource_owner_id) end end def rate_limit_ip!(login, user) # If the user authenticated successfully, we reset the auth failure count # from Rack::Attack for that IP. A client may attempt to authenticate # with a username and blank password first, and only after it receives # a 401 error does it present a password. Resetting the count prevents # false positives from occurring. # # Otherwise, we let Rack::Attack know there was a failed authentication # attempt from this IP. This information is stored in the Rails cache # (Redis) and will be used by the Rack::Attack middleware to decide # whether to block requests from this IP. config = Gitlab.config.rack_attack.git_basic_auth return user unless config.enabled if user # A successful login will reset the auth failure count from this IP Rack::Attack::Allow2Ban.reset(request.ip, config) else banned = Rack::Attack::Allow2Ban.filter(request.ip, config) do # Unless the IP is whitelisted, return true so that Allow2Ban # increments the counter (stored in Rails.cache) for the IP if config.ip_whitelist.include?(request.ip) false else true end end if banned "IP #{request.ip} failed to login " \ "as #{login} but has been temporarily banned from Git auth" end end user end def project return @project if defined?(@project) @project = find_project end def id id = params[:project_id] return if id.nil? %w{.wiki.git .git}.each do |suffix| # Be careful to only remove the suffix from the end of 'id'. # Accidentally removing it from the middle is how security # vulnerabilities happen! return id.slice(0, id.length - suffix.length) if id.end_with?(suffix) end nil end def repository @repository ||= begin if params[:project_id].end_with?('.wiki.git') else project.repository end end end def upload_pack? rpc == 'git-upload-pack' end def receive_pack? rpc == 'git-receive-pack' end def rpc if action_name == 'info_refs' params[:service] else action_name.gsub('_', '-') end end def render_ok render json: Gitlab::Workhorse.git_http_ok(repository, user) end def render_not_found render text: 'Not Found', status: :not_found end def ci? !!@ci end def user @user end def upload_pack_allowed? if !Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.upload_pack false elsif ci? true elsif user, project).download_access_check.allowed? elsif project.public? # Allow clone/fetch for public projects true else false end end def receive_pack_allowed? if !Gitlab.config.gitlab_shell.receive_pack false elsif user # Skip user authorization on upload request. # It will be done by the pre-receive hook in the repository. true else false end end end