# frozen_string_literal: true require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe 'DevOps Report page', :js do tabs_selector = '.js-devops-tabs' tab_item_selector = '.js-devops-tab-item' active_tab_selector = '.nav-link.active' before do sign_in(create(:admin)) end context 'with devops_adoption feature flag disabled' do before do stub_feature_flags(devops_adoption: false) end it 'does not show the tabbed layout' do visit admin_dev_ops_report_path expect(page).not_to have_selector tabs_selector end it 'has dismissable intro callout' do visit admin_dev_ops_report_path expect(page).to have_content 'Introducing Your DevOps Report' find('.js-close-callout').click expect(page).not_to have_content 'Introducing Your DevOps Report' end context 'when usage ping is disabled' do before do stub_application_setting(usage_ping_enabled: false) end it 'shows empty state' do visit admin_dev_ops_report_path expect(page).to have_selector(".js-empty-state") end it 'hides the intro callout' do visit admin_dev_ops_report_path expect(page).not_to have_content 'Introducing Your DevOps Report' end end context 'when there is no data to display' do it 'shows empty state' do stub_application_setting(usage_ping_enabled: true) visit admin_dev_ops_report_path expect(page).to have_content('Data is still calculating') end end context 'when there is data to display' do it 'shows numbers for each metric' do stub_application_setting(usage_ping_enabled: true) create(:dev_ops_report_metric) visit admin_dev_ops_report_path expect(page).to have_content( 'Issues created per active user 1.2 You 9.3 Lead 13.3%' ) end end end context 'with devops_adoption feature flag enabled' do it 'shows the tabbed layout' do visit admin_dev_ops_report_path expect(page).to have_selector tabs_selector end it 'shows the correct tabs' do visit admin_dev_ops_report_path within tabs_selector do expect(page.all(:css, tab_item_selector).length).to be(2) expect(page).to have_text 'DevOps Score Adoption' end end it 'defaults to the DevOps Score tab' do visit admin_dev_ops_report_path within tabs_selector do expect(page).to have_selector active_tab_selector, text: 'DevOps Score' end end it 'displays the Adoption tab content when selected' do visit admin_dev_ops_report_path click_link 'Adoption' within tabs_selector do expect(page).to have_selector active_tab_selector, text: 'Adoption' end end context 'the devops score tab' do it 'has dismissable intro callout' do visit admin_dev_ops_report_path expect(page).to have_content 'Introducing Your DevOps Report' find('.js-close-callout').click expect(page).not_to have_content 'Introducing Your DevOps Report' end context 'when usage ping is disabled' do before do stub_application_setting(usage_ping_enabled: false) end it 'shows empty state' do visit admin_dev_ops_report_path expect(page).to have_selector(".js-empty-state") end it 'hides the intro callout' do visit admin_dev_ops_report_path expect(page).not_to have_content 'Introducing Your DevOps Report' end end context 'when there is no data to display' do it 'shows empty state' do stub_application_setting(usage_ping_enabled: true) visit admin_dev_ops_report_path expect(page).to have_content('Data is still calculating') end end context 'when there is data to display' do it 'shows numbers for each metric' do stub_application_setting(usage_ping_enabled: true) create(:dev_ops_report_metric) visit admin_dev_ops_report_path expect(page).to have_content( 'Issues created per active user 1.2 You 9.3 Lead 13.3%' ) end end end end end