module Gitlab module SidekiqMiddleware class MemoryKiller # Default the RSS limit to 0, meaning the MemoryKiller is disabled MAX_RSS = (ENV['SIDEKIQ_MEMORY_KILLER_MAX_RSS'] || 0).to_s.to_i # Give Sidekiq 15 minutes of grace time after exceeding the RSS limit GRACE_TIME = (ENV['SIDEKIQ_MEMORY_KILLER_GRACE_TIME'] || 15 * 60).to_s.to_i # Wait 30 seconds for running jobs to finish during graceful shutdown SHUTDOWN_WAIT = (ENV['SIDEKIQ_MEMORY_KILLER_SHUTDOWN_WAIT'] || 30).to_s.to_i # Create a mutex used to ensure there will be only one thread waiting to # shut Sidekiq down MUTEX = def call(worker, job, queue) yield current_rss = get_rss return unless MAX_RSS > 0 && current_rss > MAX_RSS do # Return if another thread is already waiting to shut Sidekiq down return unless MUTEX.try_lock Sidekiq.logger.warn "Sidekiq worker PID-#{pid} current RSS #{current_rss}"\ " exceeds maximum RSS #{MAX_RSS} after finishing job #{worker.class} JID-#{job['jid']}" Sidekiq.logger.warn "Sidekiq worker PID-#{pid} will stop fetching new jobs in #{GRACE_TIME} seconds, and will be shut down #{SHUTDOWN_WAIT} seconds later" # Wait `GRACE_TIME` to give the memory intensive job time to finish. # Then, tell Sidekiq to stop fetching new jobs. wait_and_signal(GRACE_TIME, 'SIGSTP', 'stop fetching new jobs') # Wait `SHUTDOWN_WAIT` to give already fetched jobs time to finish. # Then, tell Sidekiq to gracefully shut down by giving jobs a few more # moments to finish, killing and requeuing them if they didn't, and # then terminating itself. wait_and_signal(SHUTDOWN_WAIT, 'SIGTERM', 'gracefully shut down') # Wait for Sidekiq to shutdown gracefully, and kill it if it didn't. wait_and_signal(Sidekiq.options[:timeout] + 2, 'SIGKILL', 'die') end end private def get_rss output, status = Gitlab::Popen.popen(%W(ps -o rss= -p #{pid}), Rails.root.to_s) return 0 unless output.to_i end def wait_and_signal(time, signal, explanation) Sidekiq.logger.warn "waiting #{time} seconds before sending Sidekiq worker PID-#{pid} #{signal} (#{explanation})" sleep(time) Sidekiq.logger.warn "sending Sidekiq worker PID-#{pid} #{signal} (#{explanation})" Process.kill(signal, pid) end def pid end end end end