import { uuids } from '../../diffs/utils/uuids'; /** * @module recurrence */ const instances = {}; /** * Create a new unique {@link module:recurrence~RecurInstance|RecurInstance} * @returns {module:recurrence.RecurInstance} The newly created {@link module:recurrence~RecurInstance|RecurInstance} */ export function create() { const id = uuids()[0]; let handlers = {}; let count = 0; /** * @namespace RecurInstance * @description A RecurInstance tracks the count of any occurrence as registered by calls to occur. *

* It maintains an internal counter and a registry of handlers that can be arbitrarily assigned by a user. *

* While a RecurInstance isn't specific to any particular use-case, it may be useful for: *
* * @summary A closure to track repeated occurrences of any arbitrary event. * */ const instance = { /** * @type {module:uuids~UUIDv4} * @description A randomly generated {@link module:uuids~UUIDv4|UUID} for this particular recurrence instance * @memberof module:recurrence~RecurInstance * @readonly * @inner */ get id() { return id; }, /** * @type {Number} * @description The number of times this particular instance of recurrence has been triggered * @memberof module:recurrence~RecurInstance * @readonly * @inner */ get count() { return count; }, /** * @type {Object} * @description The handlers assigned to this recurrence tracker * @example * myRecurrence.handle( 4, () => console.log( "four" ) ); * console.log( myRecurrence.handlers ); // {"4": () => console.log( "four" )} * @memberof module:recurrence~RecurInstance * @readonly * @inner */ get handlers() { return handlers; }, /** * @type {Boolean} * @description Delete any internal reference to the instance. *
* Keep in mind that this will only attempt to remove the internal reference. *
* If your code maintains a reference to the instance, the regular garbage collector will not free the memory. * @memberof module:recurrence~RecurInstance * @inner */ free() { return delete instances[id]; }, /** * @description Register a handler to be called when this occurrence is seen onCount number of times. * @param {Number} onCount - The number of times the occurrence has been seen to respond to * @param {Function} behavior - A callback function to run when the occurrence has been seen onCount times * @memberof module:recurrence~RecurInstance * @inner */ handle(onCount, behavior) { if (onCount && behavior) { handlers[onCount] = behavior; } }, /** * @description Remove the behavior callback handler that would be run when the occurrence is seen onCount times * @param {Number} onCount - The count identifier for which to eject the callback handler * @memberof module:recurrence~RecurInstance * @inner */ eject(onCount) { if (onCount) { delete handlers[onCount]; } }, /** * @description Register that this occurrence has been seen and trigger any appropriate handlers * @memberof module:recurrence~RecurInstance * @inner */ occur() { count += 1; if (typeof handlers[count] === 'function') { handlers[count](count); } }, /** * @description Reset this recurrence instance without destroying it entirely * @param {Object} [options] * @param {Boolean} [options.currentCount = true] - Whether to reset the count * @param {Boolean} [options.handlersList = false] - Whether to reset the list of attached handlers back to an empty state * @memberof module:recurrence~RecurInstance * @inner */ reset({ currentCount = true, handlersList = false } = {}) { if (currentCount) { count = 0; } if (handlersList) { handlers = {}; } }, }; instances[id] = instance; return instance; } /** * Retrieve a stored {@link module:recurrence~RecurInstance|RecurInstance} by {@link module:uuids~UUIDv4|UUID} * @param {module:uuids~UUIDv4} id - The {@link module:uuids~UUIDv4|UUID} of a previously created {@link module:recurrence~RecurInstance|RecurInstance} * @returns {(module:recurrence~RecurInstance|undefined)} The {@link module:recurrence~RecurInstance|RecurInstance}, or undefined if the UUID doesn't refer to a known Instance */ export function recall(id) { return instances[id]; } /** * Release the memory space for a given {@link module:recurrence~RecurInstance|RecurInstance} by {@link module:uuids~UUIDv4|UUID} * @param {module:uuids~UUIDv4} id - The {@link module:uuids~UUIDv4|UUID} of a previously created {@link module:recurrence~RecurInstance|RecurInstance} * @returns {Boolean} Whether the reference to the stored {@link module:recurrence~RecurInstance|RecurInstance} was released */ export function free(id) { return recall(id)?.free() || false; }