# frozen_string_literal: true module EnumWithNil extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do def self.enum_with_nil(definitions) # use original `enum` to auto-define all methods enum(definitions) # override auto-defined methods only for the # key which uses nil value definitions.each do |name, values| next unless key_with_nil = values.key(nil) # E.g. for enum_with_nil failure_reason: { unknown_failure: nil } # this overrides auto-generated method `unknown_failure?` define_method("#{key_with_nil}?") do self[name].nil? end # E.g. for enum_with_nil failure_reason: { unknown_failure: nil } # this overrides auto-generated method `failure_reason` define_method(name) do orig = super() return orig unless orig.nil? self.class.public_send(name.to_s.pluralize).key(nil) # rubocop:disable GitlabSecurity/PublicSend end end end end end