module EntityDateHelper include ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper def interval_in_words(diff) "#{distance_of_time_in_words(diff.to_f)} ago" end # Converts seconds into a hash such as: # { days: 1, hours: 3, mins: 42, seconds: 40 } # # It returns 0 seconds for zero or negative numbers # It rounds to nearest time unit and does not return zero # i.e { min: 1 } instead of { mins: 1, seconds: 0 } def distance_of_time_as_hash(diff) diff = diff.abs.floor return { seconds: 0 } if diff == 0 mins = (diff / 60).floor seconds = diff % 60 hours = (mins / 60).floor mins = mins % 60 days = (hours / 24).floor hours = hours % 24 duration_hash = {} duration_hash[:days] = days if days > 0 duration_hash[:hours] = hours if hours > 0 duration_hash[:mins] = mins if mins > 0 duration_hash[:seconds] = seconds if seconds > 0 duration_hash end end