# frozen_string_literal: true module Banzai module Filter # HTML filter that inserts a node for each occurence of # a given link format. To transform references to DB # resources in place, prefer to inherit from AbstractReferenceFilter. class InlineEmbedsFilter < HTML::Pipeline::Filter # Find every relevant link, create a new node based on # the link, and insert this node after any html content # surrounding the link. def call return doc unless Feature.enabled?(:gfm_embedded_metrics, context[:project]) doc.xpath(xpath_search).each do |node| next unless element = element_to_embed(node) # We want this to follow any surrounding content. For example, # if a link is inline in a paragraph. node.parent.children.last.add_next_sibling(element) end doc end # Implement in child class. # # Return a Nokogiri::XML::Element to embed in the # markdown. def create_element(params) end # Implement in child class unless overriding #embed_params # # Returns the regex pattern used to filter # to only matching urls. def link_pattern end # Returns the xpath query string used to select nodes # from the html document on which the embed is based. # # Override to select nodes other than links. def xpath_search 'descendant-or-self::a[@href]' end # Creates a new element based on the parameters # obtained from the target link def element_to_embed(node) return unless params = embed_params(node) create_element(params) end # Returns a hash of named parameters based on the # provided regex with string keys. # # Override to select nodes other than links. def embed_params(node) url = node['href'] link_pattern.match(url) { |m| m.named_captures } end end end end