- if event.new_branch? || event.new_tag? = image_tag gravatar_icon(event.author_email), :class => "avatar" %strong #{event.author_name} %span.label.pushed pushed  new - if event.new_tag? tag = link_to project_commits_path(event.project, :ref => event.tag_name) do %strong= event.tag_name - else branch = link_to project_commits_path(event.project, :ref => event.branch_name) do %strong= event.branch_name at %strong= link_to event.project.name, event.project %span.cgray = time_ago_in_words(event.created_at) ago. - else = image_tag gravatar_icon(event.author_email), :class => "avatar" %strong #{event.author_name} %span.label.pushed pushed  to = link_to project_commits_path(event.project, :ref => event.branch_name) do %strong= event.branch_name at %strong= link_to event.project.name, event.project %span.cgray = time_ago_in_words(event.created_at) ago. - if event.commits.count > 1 = link_to compare_project_commits_path(event.project, :from => event.commits.first.prev_commit_id, :to => event.commits.last.id) do Compare #{event.commits.first.commit.id[0..8]}...#{event.commits.last.id[0..8]} - @project = event.project %ul.unstyled.event_commits - if event.commits.size > 3 = render event.commits[0...2] %li ... and #{event.commits.size - 2} more commits - else = render event.commits