import { print } from 'graphql'; import gql from 'graphql-tag'; import cable from '~/actioncable_consumer'; import ActionCableLink from '~/actioncable_link'; // Mock uuids module for determinism jest.mock('~/diffs/utils/uuids', () => ({ uuids: () => ['testuuid'], })); const TEST_OPERATION = { query: gql` query foo { project { id } } `, operationName: 'foo', variables: [], }; /** * Create an observer that passes calls to the given spy. * * This helps us assert which calls were made in what order. */ const createSpyObserver = (spy) => ({ next: (...args) => spy('next', ...args), error: (...args) => spy('error', ...args), complete: (...args) => spy('complete', ...args), }); const notify = (...notifications) => { notifications.forEach((data) => cable.subscriptions.notifyAll('received', data)); }; const getSubscriptionCount = () => cable.subscriptions.subscriptions.length; describe('~/actioncable_link', () => { let cableLink; beforeEach(() => { jest.spyOn(cable.subscriptions, 'create'); cableLink = new ActionCableLink(); }); describe('request', () => { let subscription; let spy; beforeEach(() => { spy = jest.fn(); subscription = cableLink.request(TEST_OPERATION).subscribe(createSpyObserver(spy)); }); afterEach(() => { subscription.unsubscribe(); }); it('creates a subscription', () => { expect(getSubscriptionCount()).toBe(1); expect(cable.subscriptions.create).toHaveBeenCalledWith( { channel: 'GraphqlChannel', nonce: 'testuuid', ...TEST_OPERATION, query: print(TEST_OPERATION.query), }, { received: expect.any(Function) }, ); }); it('when "unsubscribe", unsubscribes underlying cable subscription', () => { subscription.unsubscribe(); expect(getSubscriptionCount()).toBe(0); }); it('when receives data, triggers observer until no ".more"', () => { notify( { result: 'test result', more: true }, { result: 'test result 2', more: true }, { result: 'test result 3' }, { result: 'test result 4' }, ); expect(spy.mock.calls).toEqual([ ['next', 'test result'], ['next', 'test result 2'], ['next', 'test result 3'], ['complete'], ]); }); it('when receives errors, triggers observer', () => { notify( { result: 'test result', more: true }, { result: 'test result 2', errors: ['boom!'], more: true }, { result: 'test result 3' }, ); expect(spy.mock.calls).toEqual([ ['next', 'test result'], ['error', ['boom!']], ]); }); }); });