module Backup class Manager ARCHIVES_TO_BACKUP = %w[uploads builds artifacts pages lfs registry].freeze FOLDERS_TO_BACKUP = %w[repositories db].freeze FILE_NAME_SUFFIX = '_gitlab_backup.tar'.freeze def pack # Make sure there is a connection ActiveRecord::Base.connection.reconnect! # saving additional informations s = {} s[:db_version] = "#{ActiveRecord::Migrator.current_version}" s[:backup_created_at] = s[:gitlab_version] = Gitlab::VERSION s[:tar_version] = tar_version s[:skipped] = ENV["SKIP"] tar_file = "#{s[:backup_created_at].strftime('%s_%Y_%m_%d')}#{FILE_NAME_SUFFIX}" Dir.chdir(Gitlab.config.backup.path) do"#{Gitlab.config.backup.path}/backup_information.yml", "w+") do |file| file << s.to_yaml.gsub(/^---\n/, '') end # create archive $progress.print "Creating backup archive: #{tar_file} ... " # Set file permissions on open to prevent chmod races. tar_system_options = { out: [tar_file, 'w', Gitlab.config.backup.archive_permissions] } if Kernel.system('tar', '-cf', '-', *backup_contents, tar_system_options) $progress.puts "done".color(:green) else puts "creating archive #{tar_file} failed".color(:red) abort 'Backup failed' end upload(tar_file) end end def upload(tar_file) $progress.print "Uploading backup archive to remote storage #{remote_directory} ... " connection_settings = Gitlab.config.backup.upload.connection if connection_settings.blank? $progress.puts "skipped".color(:yellow) return end directory = connect_to_remote_directory(connection_settings) if directory.files.create(key: tar_file, body:, public: false, multipart_chunk_size: Gitlab.config.backup.upload.multipart_chunk_size, encryption: Gitlab.config.backup.upload.encryption, storage_class: Gitlab.config.backup.upload.storage_class) $progress.puts "done".color(:green) else puts "uploading backup to #{remote_directory} failed".color(:red) abort 'Backup failed' end end def cleanup $progress.print "Deleting tmp directories ... " backup_contents.each do |dir| next unless File.exist?(File.join(Gitlab.config.backup.path, dir)) if FileUtils.rm_rf(File.join(Gitlab.config.backup.path, dir)) $progress.puts "done".color(:green) else puts "deleting tmp directory '#{dir}' failed".color(:red) abort 'Backup failed' end end end def remove_old # delete backups $progress.print "Deleting old backups ... " keep_time = Gitlab.config.backup.keep_time.to_i if keep_time > 0 removed = 0 Dir.chdir(Gitlab.config.backup.path) do Dir.glob("*#{FILE_NAME_SUFFIX}").each do |file| next unless file =~ /(\d+)(?:_\d{4}_\d{2}_\d{2})?_gitlab_backup\.tar/ timestamp = $1.to_i if < ( - keep_time) begin FileUtils.rm(file) removed += 1 rescue => e $progress.puts "Deleting #{file} failed: #{e.message}".color(:red) end end end end $progress.puts "done. (#{removed} removed)".color(:green) else $progress.puts "skipping".color(:yellow) end end def unpack Dir.chdir(Gitlab.config.backup.path) # check for existing backups in the backup dir file_list = Dir.glob("*#{FILE_NAME_SUFFIX}") if file_list.count == 0 $progress.puts "No backups found in #{Gitlab.config.backup.path}" $progress.puts "Please make sure that file name ends with #{FILE_NAME_SUFFIX}" exit 1 end if file_list.count > 1 && ENV["BACKUP"].nil? $progress.puts 'Found more than one backup, please specify which one you want to restore:' $progress.puts 'rake gitlab:backup:restore BACKUP=timestamp_of_backup' exit 1 end tar_file = if ENV['BACKUP'].present? "#{ENV['BACKUP']}#{FILE_NAME_SUFFIX}" else file_list.first end unless File.exist?(tar_file) $progress.puts "The backup file #{tar_file} does not exist!" exit 1 end $progress.print 'Unpacking backup ... ' unless Kernel.system(*%W(tar -xf #{tar_file})) $progress.puts 'unpacking backup failed'.color(:red) exit 1 else $progress.puts 'done'.color(:green) end ENV["VERSION"] = "#{settings[:db_version]}" if settings[:db_version].to_i > 0 # restoring mismatching backups can lead to unexpected problems if settings[:gitlab_version] != Gitlab::VERSION $progress.puts 'GitLab version mismatch:'.color(:red) $progress.puts " Your current GitLab version (#{Gitlab::VERSION}) differs from the GitLab version in the backup!".color(:red) $progress.puts ' Please switch to the following version and try again:'.color(:red) $progress.puts " version: #{settings[:gitlab_version]}".color(:red) $progress.puts $progress.puts "Hint: git checkout v#{settings[:gitlab_version]}" exit 1 end end def tar_version tar_version, _ = Gitlab::Popen.popen(%w(tar --version)) tar_version.force_encoding('locale').split("\n").first end def skipped?(item) settings[:skipped] && settings[:skipped].include?(item) || disabled_features.include?(item) end private def connect_to_remote_directory(connection_settings) connection = # We only attempt to create the directory for local backups. For AWS # and other cloud providers, we cannot guarantee the user will have # permission to create the bucket. if connection.service == ::Fog::Storage::Local connection.directories.create(key: remote_directory) else connection.directories.get(remote_directory) end end def remote_directory Gitlab.config.backup.upload.remote_directory end def backup_contents folders_to_backup + archives_to_backup + ["backup_information.yml"] end def archives_to_backup{ |name| (name + ".tar.gz") unless skipped?(name) }.compact end def folders_to_backup FOLDERS_TO_BACKUP.reject{ |name| skipped?(name) } end def disabled_features features = [] features << 'registry' unless Gitlab.config.registry.enabled features end def settings @settings ||= YAML.load_file("backup_information.yml") end end end