/* eslint-disable */ /*= require gl_dropdown */ /*= require search_autocomplete */ /*= require jquery */ /*= require lib/utils/common_utils */ /*= require lib/utils/type_utility */ /*= require fuzzaldrin-plus */ /*= require turbolinks */ /*= require jquery.turbolinks */ (function() { var addBodyAttributes, assertLinks, dashboardIssuesPath, dashboardMRsPath, groupIssuesPath, groupMRsPath, groupName, mockDashboardOptions, mockGroupOptions, mockProjectOptions, projectIssuesPath, projectMRsPath, projectName, userId, widget; widget = null; userId = 1; window.gon || (window.gon = {}); window.gon.current_user_id = userId; dashboardIssuesPath = '/dashboard/issues'; dashboardMRsPath = '/dashboard/merge_requests'; projectIssuesPath = '/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/issues'; projectMRsPath = '/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce/merge_requests'; groupIssuesPath = '/groups/gitlab-org/issues'; groupMRsPath = '/groups/gitlab-org/merge_requests'; projectName = 'GitLab Community Edition'; groupName = 'Gitlab Org'; // Add required attributes to body before starting the test. // section would be dashboard|group|project addBodyAttributes = function(section) { var $body; if (section == null) { section = 'dashboard'; } $body = $('body'); $body.removeAttr('data-page'); $body.removeAttr('data-project'); $body.removeAttr('data-group'); switch (section) { case 'dashboard': return $body.data('page', 'root:index'); case 'group': $body.data('page', 'groups:show'); return $body.data('group', 'gitlab-org'); case 'project': $body.data('page', 'projects:show'); return $body.data('project', 'gitlab-ce'); } }; // Mock `gl` object in window for dashboard specific page. App code will need it. mockDashboardOptions = function() { window.gl || (window.gl = {}); return window.gl.dashboardOptions = { issuesPath: dashboardIssuesPath, mrPath: dashboardMRsPath }; }; // Mock `gl` object in window for project specific page. App code will need it. mockProjectOptions = function() { window.gl || (window.gl = {}); return window.gl.projectOptions = { 'gitlab-ce': { issuesPath: projectIssuesPath, mrPath: projectMRsPath, projectName: projectName } }; }; mockGroupOptions = function() { window.gl || (window.gl = {}); return window.gl.groupOptions = { 'gitlab-org': { issuesPath: groupIssuesPath, mrPath: groupMRsPath, projectName: groupName } }; }; assertLinks = function(list, issuesPath, mrsPath) { var a1, a2, a3, a4, issuesAssignedToMeLink, issuesIHaveCreatedLink, mrsAssignedToMeLink, mrsIHaveCreatedLink; issuesAssignedToMeLink = issuesPath + "/?assignee_id=" + userId; issuesIHaveCreatedLink = issuesPath + "/?author_id=" + userId; mrsAssignedToMeLink = mrsPath + "/?assignee_id=" + userId; mrsIHaveCreatedLink = mrsPath + "/?author_id=" + userId; a1 = "a[href='" + issuesAssignedToMeLink + "']"; a2 = "a[href='" + issuesIHaveCreatedLink + "']"; a3 = "a[href='" + mrsAssignedToMeLink + "']"; a4 = "a[href='" + mrsIHaveCreatedLink + "']"; expect(list.find(a1).length).toBe(1); expect(list.find(a1).text()).toBe('Issues assigned to me'); expect(list.find(a2).length).toBe(1); expect(list.find(a2).text()).toBe("Issues I've created"); expect(list.find(a3).length).toBe(1); expect(list.find(a3).text()).toBe('Merge requests assigned to me'); expect(list.find(a4).length).toBe(1); return expect(list.find(a4).text()).toBe("Merge requests I've created"); }; describe('Search autocomplete dropdown', function() { fixture.preload('search_autocomplete.html'); beforeEach(function() { fixture.load('search_autocomplete.html'); return widget = new gl.SearchAutocomplete; }); it('should show Dashboard specific dropdown menu', function() { var list; addBodyAttributes(); mockDashboardOptions(); widget.searchInput.focus(); list = widget.wrap.find('.dropdown-menu').find('ul'); return assertLinks(list, dashboardIssuesPath, dashboardMRsPath); }); it('should show Group specific dropdown menu', function() { var list; addBodyAttributes('group'); mockGroupOptions(); widget.searchInput.focus(); list = widget.wrap.find('.dropdown-menu').find('ul'); return assertLinks(list, groupIssuesPath, groupMRsPath); }); it('should show Project specific dropdown menu', function() { var list; addBodyAttributes('project'); mockProjectOptions(); widget.searchInput.focus(); list = widget.wrap.find('.dropdown-menu').find('ul'); return assertLinks(list, projectIssuesPath, projectMRsPath); }); it('should not show category related menu if there is text in the input', function() { var link, list; addBodyAttributes('project'); mockProjectOptions(); widget.searchInput.val('help'); widget.searchInput.focus(); list = widget.wrap.find('.dropdown-menu').find('ul'); link = "a[href='" + projectIssuesPath + "/?assignee_id=" + userId + "']"; return expect(list.find(link).length).toBe(0); }); return it('should not submit the search form when selecting an autocomplete row with the keyboard', function() { var ENTER = 13; var DOWN = 40; addBodyAttributes(); mockDashboardOptions(true); var submitSpy = spyOnEvent('form', 'submit'); widget.searchInput.focus(); widget.wrap.trigger($.Event('keydown', { which: DOWN })); var enterKeyEvent = $.Event('keydown', { which: ENTER }); widget.searchInput.trigger(enterKeyEvent); // This does not currently catch failing behavior. For security reasons, // browsers will not trigger default behavior (form submit, in this // example) on JavaScript-created keypresses. expect(submitSpy).not.toHaveBeenTriggered(); // Does a worse job at capturing the intent of the test, but works. expect(enterKeyEvent.isDefaultPrevented()).toBe(true); }); }); }).call(this);