import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils'; import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import { TEST_HOST } from 'helpers/test_constants'; import CustomMetricsFormFields from '~/custom_metrics/components/custom_metrics_form_fields.vue'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; describe('custom metrics form fields component', () => { let wrapper; let mockAxios; const getNamedInput = (name) => wrapper.element.querySelector(`input[name="${name}"]`); const validateQueryPath = `${TEST_HOST}/mock/path`; const validQueryResponse = { success: true, query: { valid: true, error: '' } }; const csrfToken = 'mockToken'; const formOperation = 'post'; const makeFormData = (data = {}) => ({ formData: { title: '', yLabel: '', query: '', unit: '', group: '', legend: '',, }, }); const mountComponent = (props) => { wrapper = mount(CustomMetricsFormFields, { propsData: { formOperation, validateQueryPath, ...props, }, csrfToken, }); }; beforeEach(() => { mockAxios = new MockAdapter(axios); }); afterEach(() => { wrapper.destroy(); mockAxios.restore(); }); it('checks form validity', async () => { mockAxios.onPost(validateQueryPath).reply(200, validQueryResponse); mountComponent({ metricPersisted: true, ...makeFormData({ title: 'title-old', yLabel: 'yLabel', unit: 'unit', group: 'group', }), }); wrapper.find(`input[name="prometheus_metric[query]"]`).setValue('query'); await axios.waitForAll(); expect(wrapper.emitted('formValidation')).toStrictEqual([[true]]); }); describe('hidden inputs', () => { beforeEach(() => { mountComponent(); }); it('specifies form operation _method', () => { expect(getNamedInput('_method', 'input').value).toBe('post'); }); it('specifies authenticity token', () => { expect(getNamedInput('authenticity_token', 'input').value).toBe(csrfToken); }); }); describe('name input', () => { const name = 'prometheus_metric[title]'; it('is empty by default', () => { mountComponent(); expect(getNamedInput(name).value).toBe(''); }); it('receives a persisted value', () => { const title = 'mockTitle'; mountComponent(makeFormData({ title })); expect(getNamedInput(name).value).toBe(title); }); }); describe('group input', () => { it('has a default value', () => { mountComponent(); expect(getNamedInput('prometheus_metric[group]', 'glformradiogroup-stub').value).toBe( 'business', ); }); }); describe('query input', () => { const queryInputName = 'prometheus_metric[query]'; it('is empty by default', () => { mountComponent(); expect(getNamedInput(queryInputName).value).toBe(''); }); it('receives and validates a persisted value', () => { const query = 'persistedQuery'; jest.spyOn(axios, 'post'); mountComponent({ metricPersisted: true, ...makeFormData({ query }) }); expect( validateQueryPath, { query }, expect.objectContaining({ cancelToken: expect.anything() }), ); expect(getNamedInput(queryInputName).value).toBe(query); jest.runAllTimers(); }); it('checks validity on user input', async () => { const query = 'changedQuery'; mountComponent(); expect(; const queryInput = wrapper.find(`input[name="${queryInputName}"]`); queryInput.setValue(query); await axios.waitForAll(); expect(; }); describe('when query validation is in flight', () => { beforeEach(() => { mountComponent({ metricPersisted: true, ...makeFormData({ query: 'validQuery' }) }); mockAxios.onPost(validateQueryPath).reply(200, validQueryResponse); }); it('expect loading message to display', async () => { const queryInput = wrapper.find(`input[name="${queryInputName}"]`); queryInput.setValue('query'); expect(wrapper.text()).toContain('Validating query'); }); it('expect loading message to disappear', async () => { const queryInput = wrapper.find(`input[name="${queryInputName}"]`); queryInput.setValue('query'); await axios.waitForAll(); expect(wrapper.text()).not.toContain('Validating query'); }); }); describe('when query is invalid', () => { const errorMessage = 'mockErrorMessage'; const invalidQueryResponse = { success: true, query: { valid: false, error: errorMessage } }; beforeEach(() => { mockAxios.onPost(validateQueryPath).reply(200, invalidQueryResponse); mountComponent({ metricPersisted: true, ...makeFormData({ query: 'invalidQuery' }) }); return axios.waitForAll(); }); it('shows invalid query message', async () => { expect(wrapper.text()).toContain(errorMessage); }); }); describe('when query is valid', () => { beforeEach(() => { mockAxios.onPost(validateQueryPath).reply(200, validQueryResponse); mountComponent({ metricPersisted: true, ...makeFormData({ query: 'validQuery' }) }); }); it('shows valid query message', async () => { await axios.waitForAll(); expect(wrapper.text()).toContain('PromQL query is valid'); }); }); }); describe('yLabel input', () => { const name = 'prometheus_metric[y_label]'; it('is empty by default', () => { mountComponent(); expect(getNamedInput(name).value).toBe(''); }); it('receives a persisted value', () => { const yLabel = 'mockYLabel'; mountComponent(makeFormData({ yLabel })); expect(getNamedInput(name).value).toBe(yLabel); }); }); describe('unit input', () => { const name = 'prometheus_metric[unit]'; it('is empty by default', () => { mountComponent(); expect(getNamedInput(name).value).toBe(''); }); it('receives a persisted value', () => { const unit = 'mockUnit'; mountComponent(makeFormData({ unit })); expect(getNamedInput(name).value).toBe(unit); }); }); describe('legend input', () => { const name = 'prometheus_metric[legend]'; it('is empty by default', () => { mountComponent(); expect(getNamedInput(name).value).toBe(''); }); it('receives a persisted value', () => { const legend = 'mockLegend'; mountComponent(makeFormData({ legend })); expect(getNamedInput(name).value).toBe(legend); }); }); });