import Vue from 'vue'; import MockAdapter from 'axios-mock-adapter'; import Dashboard from '~/monitoring/components/dashboard.vue'; import axios from '~/lib/utils/axios_utils'; import { metricsGroupsAPIResponse, mockApiEndpoint } from './mock_data'; describe('Dashboard', () => { const fixtureName = 'environments/metrics/metrics.html.raw'; let DashboardComponent; let component; preloadFixtures(fixtureName); beforeEach(() => { loadFixtures(fixtureName); DashboardComponent = Vue.extend(Dashboard); }); describe('no metrics are available yet', () => { it('shows a getting started empty state when no metrics are present', () => { component = new DashboardComponent({ el: document.querySelector('#prometheus-graphs'), }); component.$mount(); expect(component.$el.querySelector('#prometheus-graphs')).toBe(null); expect(component.state).toEqual('gettingStarted'); }); }); describe('requests information to the server', () => { let mock; beforeEach(() => { document.querySelector('#prometheus-graphs').setAttribute('data-has-metrics', 'true'); mock = new MockAdapter(axios); mock.onGet(mockApiEndpoint).reply(200, { metricsGroupsAPIResponse, }); }); afterEach(() => { mock.reset(); }); it('shows up a loading state', (done) => { component = new DashboardComponent({ el: document.querySelector('#prometheus-graphs'), }); component.$mount(); Vue.nextTick(() => { expect(component.state).toEqual('loading'); done(); }); }); }); });