# frozen_string_literal: true # This class is used as a proxy for all outbounding http connection # coming from callbacks, services and hooks. The direct use of the HTTParty # is discouraged because it can lead to several security problems, like SSRF # calling internal IP or services. module Gitlab class HTTP BlockedUrlError = Class.new(StandardError) RedirectionTooDeep = Class.new(StandardError) HTTP_TIMEOUT_ERRORS = [ Net::OpenTimeout, Net::ReadTimeout, Net::WriteTimeout ].freeze HTTP_ERRORS = HTTP_TIMEOUT_ERRORS + [ SocketError, OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, OpenSSL::OpenSSLError, Errno::ECONNRESET, Errno::ECONNREFUSED, Errno::EHOSTUNREACH, Gitlab::HTTP::BlockedUrlError, Gitlab::HTTP::RedirectionTooDeep ].freeze DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_OPTIONS = { open_timeout: 10, read_timeout: 20, write_timeout: 30 }.freeze include HTTParty # rubocop:disable Gitlab/HTTParty class << self alias_method :httparty_perform_request, :perform_request end connection_adapter HTTPConnectionAdapter def self.perform_request(http_method, path, options, &block) log_info = options.delete(:extra_log_info) options_with_timeouts = if !options.has_key?(:timeout) && Feature.enabled?(:http_default_timeouts) options.with_defaults(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_OPTIONS) else options end httparty_perform_request(http_method, path, options_with_timeouts, &block) rescue HTTParty::RedirectionTooDeep raise RedirectionTooDeep rescue *HTTP_ERRORS => e extra_info = log_info || {} extra_info = log_info.call(e, path, options) if log_info.respond_to?(:call) Gitlab::ErrorTracking.log_exception(e, extra_info) raise e end def self.try_get(path, options = {}, &block) self.get(path, options, &block) rescue *HTTP_ERRORS nil end end end