module Gitlab module SlashCommands module Dsl extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do @command_definitions = [] end module ClassMethods def command_definitions @command_definitions end def command_names command_definitions.flat_map do |command_definition| [command_definition[:name], command_definition[:aliases]].flatten end end # Allows to give a description to the next slash command def desc(text) @description = text end # Allows to define params for the next slash command def params(*params) @params = params end # Registers a new command which is recognizeable # from body of email or comment. # Example: # # command :command_key do |arguments| # # Awesome code block # end # def command(*command_names, &block) command_name, *aliases = command_names proxy_method_name = "__#{command_name}__" # This proxy method is needed because calling `return` from inside a # block/proc, causes a `return` from the enclosing method or lambda, # otherwise a LocalJumpError error is raised. define_method(proxy_method_name, &block) define_method(command_name) do |*args| proxy_method = method(proxy_method_name) if proxy_method.arity == -1 || proxy_method.arity == args.size instance_exec(*args, &proxy_method) end end private command_name aliases.each do |alias_command| alias_method alias_command, command_name private alias_command end command_definition = { name: command_name, aliases: aliases, description: @description || '', params: @params || [] } @command_definitions << command_definition @description = nil @params = nil end end end end end