module Gitlab module Routing extend ActiveSupport::Concern mattr_accessor :_includers self._includers = [] included do Gitlab::Routing.includes_helpers(self) include Gitlab::Routing.url_helpers end def self.includes_helpers(klass) self._includers << klass end def self.add_helpers(mod) url_helpers.include mod url_helpers.extend mod GitlabRoutingHelper.include mod GitlabRoutingHelper.extend mod app_url_helpers = Gitlab::Application.routes.named_routes.url_helpers_module app_url_helpers.include mod app_url_helpers.extend mod _includers.each do |klass| klass.include mod end end # Returns the URL helpers Module. # # This method caches the output as Rails' "url_helpers" method creates an # anonymous module every time it's called. # # Returns a Module. def self.url_helpers @url_helpers ||= Gitlab::Application.routes.url_helpers end def self.redirect_legacy_paths(router, *paths) build_redirect_path = lambda do |request, _params, path| # Only replace the last occurence of `path`. path = request.fullpath.sub(%r{/#{path}/*(?!.*#{path})}, "/-/#{path}/") path << request.query_string if request.query_string.present? path end paths.each do |path| router.match "/#{path}(/*rest)", via: [:get, :post, :patch, :delete], to: router.redirect { |params, request|, params, path) }, as: "legacy_#{path}_redirect" end end end end