class Groups < Spinach::FeatureSteps include SharedAuthentication include SharedPaths include SharedGroup include SharedUser include Select2Helper Then 'I should see group "Owned" projects list' do Group.find_by(name: "Owned").projects.each do |project| page.should have_link end end And 'I should see projects activity feed' do page.should have_content 'closed issue' end Then 'I should see issues from group "Owned" assigned to me' do assigned_to_me(:issues).each do |issue| page.should have_content issue.title end end Then 'I should see merge requests from group "Owned" assigned to me' do assigned_to_me(:merge_requests).each do |issue| page.should have_content issue.title[0..80] end end And 'I select user "Mary Jane" from list with role "Reporter"' do user = User.find_by(name: "Mary Jane") || create(:user, name: "Mary Jane") click_link 'Add members' within ".users-group-form" do select2(, from: "#user_ids", multiple: true) select "Reporter", from: "group_access" end click_button "Add users into group" end Then 'I should see user "John Doe" in team list' do projects_with_access = find(".panel .well-list") projects_with_access.should have_content("John Doe") end Then 'I should not see user "John Doe" in team list' do projects_with_access = find(".panel .well-list") projects_with_access.should_not have_content("John Doe") end Then 'I should see user "Mary Jane" in team list' do projects_with_access = find(".panel .well-list") projects_with_access.should have_content("Mary Jane") end Then 'I should not see user "Mary Jane" in team list' do projects_with_access = find(".panel .well-list") projects_with_access.should_not have_content("Mary Jane") end Given 'project from group "Owned" has issues assigned to me' do create :issue, project: project, assignee: current_user, author: current_user end Given 'project from group "Owned" has merge requests assigned to me' do create :merge_request, source_project: project, target_project: project, assignee: current_user, author: current_user end When 'I click new group link' do click_link "New group" end And 'submit form with new group "Samurai" info' do fill_in 'group_name', with: 'Samurai' fill_in 'group_description', with: 'Tokugawa Shogunate' click_button "Create group" end Then 'I should be redirected to group "Samurai" page' do current_path.should == group_path(Group.last) end Then 'I should see newly created group "Samurai"' do page.should have_content "Samurai" page.should have_content "Tokugawa Shogunate" page.should have_content "Currently you are only seeing events from the" end And 'I change group "Owned" name to "new-name"' do fill_in 'group_name', with: 'new-name' click_button "Save group" end Then 'I should see new group "Owned" name' do within ".navbar-gitlab" do page.should have_content "group: new-name" end end step 'I change group "Owned" avatar' do attach_file(:group_avatar, File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'gitlab_logo.png')) click_button "Save group" Group.find_by(name: "Owned").reload end step 'I should see new group "Owned" avatar' do Group.find_by(name: "Owned").avatar.should be_instance_of AttachmentUploader Group.find_by(name: "Owned").avatar.url.should == "/uploads/group/avatar/#{ Group.find_by(name:"Owned").id }/gitlab_logo.png" end step 'I should see the "Remove avatar" button' do page.should have_link("Remove avatar") end step 'I have group "Owned" avatar' do attach_file(:group_avatar, File.join(Rails.root, 'public', 'gitlab_logo.png')) click_button "Save group" Group.find_by(name: "Owned").reload end step 'I remove group "Owned" avatar' do click_link "Remove avatar" Group.find_by(name: "Owned").reload end step 'I should not see group "Owned" avatar' do Group.find_by(name: "Owned").avatar?.should be_false end step 'I should not see the "Remove avatar" button' do page.should_not have_link("Remove avatar") end step 'I click on the "Remove User From Group" button for "John Doe"' do find(:css, 'li', text: "John Doe").find(:css, 'a.btn-remove').click # poltergeist always confirms popups. end step 'I click on the "Remove User From Group" button for "Mary Jane"' do find(:css, 'li', text: "Mary Jane").find(:css, 'a.btn-remove').click # poltergeist always confirms popups. end step 'I should not see the "Remove User From Group" button for "John Doe"' do find(:css, 'li', text: "John Doe").should_not have_selector(:css, 'a.btn-remove') # poltergeist always confirms popups. end step 'I should not see the "Remove User From Group" button for "Mary Jane"' do find(:css, 'li', text: "Mary Jane").should_not have_selector(:css, 'a.btn-remove') # poltergeist always confirms popups. end step 'I search for \'Mary\' member' do within '.member-search-form' do fill_in 'search', with: 'Mary' click_button 'Search' end end protected def assigned_to_me key project.send(key).where(assignee_id: end def project Group.find_by(name: "Owned").projects.first end end