require 'spec_helper' describe PipelineSerializer do let(:user) { create(:user) } let(:serializer) do user) end subject { serializer.represent(resource) } describe '#represent' do context 'when used without pagination' do it 'created a not paginated serializer' do expect(serializer).not_to be_paginated end context 'when a single object is being serialized' do let(:resource) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline) } it 'serializers the pipeline object' do expect(subject[:id]).to eq end end context 'when multiple objects are being serialized' do let(:resource) { create_list(:ci_pipeline, 2) } it 'serializers the array of pipelines' do expect(subject).not_to be_empty end end end context 'when used with pagination' do let(:request) { spy('request') } let(:response) { spy('response') } let(:pagination) { {} } before do allow(request) .to receive(:query_parameters) .and_return(pagination) end let(:serializer) do user) .with_pagination(request, response) end it 'created a paginated serializer' do expect(serializer).to be_paginated end context 'when resource is not paginatable' do context 'when a single pipeline object is being serialized' do let(:resource) { create(:ci_empty_pipeline) } let(:pagination) { { page: 1, per_page: 1 } } it 'raises error' do expect { subject }.to raise_error( Gitlab::Serializer::Pagination::InvalidResourceError) end end end context 'when resource is paginatable relation' do let(:resource) { Ci::Pipeline.all } let(:pagination) { { page: 1, per_page: 2 } } context 'when a single pipeline object is present in relation' do before { create(:ci_empty_pipeline) } it 'serializes pipeline relation' do expect(subject.first).to have_key :id end end context 'when a multiple pipeline objects are being serialized' do before { create_list(:ci_empty_pipeline, 3) } it 'serializes appropriate number of objects' do expect(subject.count).to be 2 end it 'appends relevant headers' do expect(response).to receive(:[]=).with('X-Total', '3') expect(response).to receive(:[]=).with('X-Total-Pages', '2') expect(response).to receive(:[]=).with('X-Per-Page', '2') subject end end end end context 'number of queries' do let(:resource) { Ci::Pipeline.all } let(:project) { create(:empty_project) } before do Ci::Pipeline::AVAILABLE_STATUSES.each do |status| create_pipeline(status) end RequestStore.begin! end after do RequestStore.end! RequestStore.clear! end it "verifies number of queries" do recorded = { subject } expect(recorded.count).to be_within(1).of(60) expect(recorded.cached_count).to eq(0) end def create_pipeline(status) create(:ci_empty_pipeline, project: project, status: status).tap do |pipeline| Ci::Build::AVAILABLE_STATUSES.each do |status| create_build(pipeline, status, status) end end end def create_build(pipeline, stage, status) create(:ci_build, :tags, :triggered, :artifacts, pipeline: pipeline, stage: stage, name: stage, status: status) end end end describe '#represent_status' do context 'when represents only status' do let(:resource) { create(:ci_pipeline) } let(:status) { resource.detailed_status(double('user')) } subject { serializer.represent_status(resource) } it 'serializes only status' do expect(subject[:text]).to eq(status.text) expect(subject[:label]).to eq(status.label) expect(subject[:icon]).to eq(status.icon) expect(subject[:favicon]).to eq("/assets/ci_favicons/#{status.favicon}.ico") end end end end